Reviews for Determination - G SansxFrisk
popcans chapter 37 . 7/17/2019
Bravo! Encore! Encore! Sequel!
dragonroses chapter 37 . 3/4/2019
wonderful story hope you keep up the wonderful work
mendaix chapter 37 . 4/25/2018
It was an awesome story, I will read it again one day I'm sure, I'm gonna miss G & Frisk's relationship, I can't find a default, it was perfect imo
Looking forward for more things done by you! :'D
VEGETASprincessBSV chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
this story is AMAZING! i love it ! it's very good!
Derpy Snas chapter 37 . 2/9/2018
I loved this story so much! There were so many things going on and I didn't expect any of them. It was fantastic! Thank you for being brave enough to publish this for the world to see. We all know how hard that can be. Please write more stories. I can't wait.
Rapter267 chapter 37 . 1/29/2018
I really need to stop binge reading. I’m quite torn. Overall it was good, but it felt overly rushed yet not. It’s definitely a started at the end kind of story. Anyway it’s good. Maybe I missed something
Ella.Lima chapter 30 . 12/29/2017
I’m just leaving here my indignation, cause, come on HOW CAN SUCH A GOOD STORY have only 5 reviews?! Only 5 freakin reviews!? I almost fainted when I realized that (and that’s the part where I apologize for my bad English, let’s just say you made a Brazilian girl so addicted that she had to comment)
You are an amazing writer! Never let anyone say otherwise. (Does that even make sense? Shit, I should be practicing my English more)
That’s it sweetheart, you definitely got a fan in me.
SheeWolf85 chapter 37 . 12/23/2017
That was seriously adorable. I didn't think I liked G!Sans, but after that I think I have to say I've fallen for him.
Shizune-10 chapter 5 . 12/1/2017
Because I did not find your story before! It's very good! ••
Guest chapter 37 . 11/5/2017
*Reads chapter twice just to be sure* I'm missing a lemon in here somewhere. Maybe it's just me?
Guest chapter 32 . 10/31/2017
I NEED MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE. I love where the story is heading. That, and I love Echotale Nd this is just glorious and cute. There are some cliches revolving around how Frisk and Sans handle their emotions around each other but I enjoy the fact G takes charge immediately after he realizes he loves her. A breath of fresh air in the romance department if you ask me.
HadoFoxGodAsashi chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
What the fuck is this even suppose to be?