Reviews for Coffee Shop
corissadavis chapter 3 . 11/16/2019
Love this story! Hope to see an update soon
Guest chapter 3 . 10/28/2018
I really really really need an update, please!
venica23 chapter 3 . 6/15/2018
Update soon
cloudbunch chapter 3 . 5/25/2018
I reread this one for the 3rd time because I miss this Olitz! Any chance you'll get to update this one soon? I'm interested to know how they will navigate through the much more complicated factors in their relationship, now that the honeymoon phase seem to be over.

I really hope we'll get to read more of this story!
CharlieTsAngel chapter 3 . 4/12/2018
Aka: Consuela
I apologize... I really hope you continue this story.
She can find her way and know she needs to think differently because she in a relationship with an older man. Therefore she needs to become the person she believes he saw when he chose to be with her... Please continue
SoVeryME chapter 3 . 3/21/2018
I like your story and hope you continue it.
TvIsForever chapter 3 . 3/9/2018
I love these two together! Liv is going to run herself thin! She can’t be everywhere at once and still have healthy relationships something is going to fall between the cracks and I feel like it’s going to be Fitz! I feel as though she’s hiding him too. I don’t think she’s trying to be malicious about it I just think she wants to protect what they have but that’s going to backfire. Liv has a lot to figure out!
Traci chapter 3 . 3/6/2018
Fitz has made Olivia his future but I think she maybe too young, immature, afraid to trust and worried about how to navigate her university life to see that. Totally understandable. No one has ever cared for her like he does.

Can we kill jake already... haha. just kidding

I know you said there will be some angst. And I know as a reader I don't have the right to ask but if there will be some angst, could you leave out violence (sexual assault), surprised pregnancies and arcs taken from other American tv and cable shows.
kelleekellkell chapter 3 . 3/5/2018
Dirty looks...I hope they continue to ignore all the judgment.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/28/2018
Fitz must look old or Olivia look young for them to keep attracting so much attention. Otherwise there age difference would not be enough to draw attention at least in the few places I have lived
Guest chapter 3 . 2/26/2018
Nice chapter
I just have some concerns about few things
How can Olivia cope with a sickly cat with the type of schedule she now has?
She can barely take care of her apartment as it is
So how can she maintain a healthy relationship with two jobs a sickly cat and school with all of that?
Besides this stereotypes of Olivia refusing help from Fitz is getting old and ridiculous
Can Olivia just loosen up and be realistic for once?geez it's beginning to get boring having to read that in practically all the stories
No offense intended just saying

Please just let Olivia come to her senses
It shouldn't be this hard OK?
Guest chapter 3 . 2/26/2018
I feel like them photos are going to get them in trouble. I can picture Jake breaking into her room and spreading them around.
Laurenaustin4 chapter 3 . 2/26/2018
Oo interesting a lil bit of conflict between the pair.. but I agree with fitz how is she gonna be able to do everything..
Consuela chapter 3 . 2/25/2018
This update was ok, full of fluff...
When I read a story I try to keep an open mind and look at it from the Author's perspective. This story started off really good and it's still good, just seems a bit redundant. I want to be invested in this story, but I also want Olivia to be mature. She's in College dating an older man, why the hell can't she be more mature on his level for a change. No, she doesn't have the years or experience he has, but she could be somewhat mature beyond her years. Every 18, 19 year old or College student isn't naïve or immature. So can she please stop being so freakin' combative at his questioning her every time? Can she just give a simple freakin' decent answer? Sex doesn't keep a man around forever. He also wants and needs decent, good, smart and intelligent conversations some times. You can't stay in the bed forever or solve all your problems in the bedroom.
I understand and get her reasons for wanting to do it on her own and show her independence. I don't blame her for that, but her whole attitude about him suggesting to help her was uncalled for. She could have chosen her words differently. She could have been happier he wanted to and was willing to help her, but explained without making him feel like he was her Sugar Daddy, although that's what it looks like from the outside. He's already sensing the stares regarding the age difference. She doesn't need to add salt to the wound with her little comments. How will she make him feel when he meets her family and friends if she's not comfortable on the outside with their relationship? He's not ashamed of their relationship although I do sense a little awareness when they are out together. She needs to be more aware of his feelings as well...

She need to grow the hell up or get someone her own freaking age like Jake... Because first of all, apparently she hasn't thought it through, it doesn't look good for her to be working at an all male's dorm at night to any man, especially her own man. Fitz was calm about it trying not to argue or upset her. Any other guy would have said "Hell No!" and wouldn't care why she was doing it. So to me, this was another immature decision she has made. Why didn't she run it by her parents, I'm sure neither would think it's a good idea. I'm sure she's trying to make her own decisions, but she's not thinking them through. Who's going to walk her to her dorm 1am at night? That's all I'm going to say... I'm done with this chapter... I hope we get to see more growth and mature decision and conversation between her and Fitz.

I do not mean to sound cruel, but I need to see some maturity in Olivia if she’s going to be with an older man…

Until the next update... Have a great week...
noro chapter 3 . 2/25/2018
More awesome writing great work update asap
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