Reviews for The mystery of Steele Hearts
monsterakers chapter 44 . 6/24
dammit dammit dammit you made me cry
Twinder chapter 64 . 4/27
Good one!
Twinder chapter 63 . 4/27
Ok I failed to comment between chapters. I'm sorry! I too have fallen for this story and characters! Being a late comer to this story I feel I need to state my mind! This story has so many more possiblilities and needs a short to medium sequel! One of my favs of all time!
justallen406 chapter 64 . 3/14
A story about Dusk would be great!
justallen406 chapter 59 . 3/14
This story is! you have packed everything in are a gifted writer!
shewede chapter 64 . 2/2
Wow, what an awesome story. I’m going through withdrawals now that I’ve finished it & am so sad that there’s not a sequel or tons of outtakes by now. You’re an incredible writer & I hope you think about doing a sequel.
Steflo310 chapter 5 . 12/28/2019
mic476 chapter 64 . 12/11/2019
Whoa . I can’t believe they got to be together in a normal way and got a HEA. I’m glad he didn’t kill Emma even though a part of me wanted him to. I wonder what his reaction would be if they have a girl or eventually have a girl. I wish the Christian and Ana from the other universe could visit them. Maybe when the other Christian and Ana e expecting a girl in case he starts to go off to help him.

Keep Writing ️
mic476 chapter 63 . 12/11/2019
This was a great yet interesting story. Very Supernatural mixed with Charmed mix with other supernatural shows. Loved the idea that his bio dad is an angel and that even he has powers.

Keep Writing ️
mic476 chapter 47 . 10/30/2019
I’m in the process of reading and had to stop for a moment. How awesome this story is and the whole supernatural bit mix with the multi-verse like the DC shows were so Kool and the bi*ch beating of Elena from the Grey family and Ana from that earth was the best.
Sflurry chapter 20 . 10/28/2019
I have to say, this is not my usual type of story, but I am so intrigued that I just keep reading! Well done! I have to know what happens next!
Fleur50 chapter 64 . 7/8/2019
Bravo! Il fallait l’écrier, c’est spécial!

p.s. Des phrases se répètent comme si on avait fait un copier/coller!

Lu avec Google Translate. French. Montréal, Québec.
Fleur50 chapter 63 . 7/7/2019
Belle histoire, j’ai bien aimé.

p.s. quelquefois, il y a des paragraphes dans l’histoire où la même phrase se répète 3-4 fois.
Fleur50 chapter 60 . 7/6/2019
Fleur50 chapter 57 . 7/6/2019
Elliot a repassé le pantalon de Christian... j’étais sûre que Elliot jouerait un tour à Christian avec des pantalons farfelus!
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