Reviews for Naruto and The Unforeseen Wind
nightwingbangarangzero chapter 5 . 12/8/2019
Rose Tiger chapter 5 . 1/12/2019
I love this story. Please keep going.
NarHina chapter 2 . 1/11/2019
Kaze seems to op and kind of mary sue, also the way Naruto just opened up to him kind of doesn't work for me like he pretty much opened to him when Hinata is the only person he done that in canon. I don't mind it much, but Naruto seem darker to me and wouldn't openly trust anyone, but Hinata with his true feelings.

I think it would have been better if Naruto kept his doubts to himself for the moment, but Kaze still prob about Hinata and have him help Naruto realise he has feelings for her and then have him send Naruto to the hospital and has a great time. This gives Naruto a realistic reason to trust the stranger and then Kaze watches him and gives a bit of help confusing Naruto since only Hinata was that nice to him. Then Naruto asks why, but Kaze says he has his reasons and if Naruto wants to know he needs to win his match, not wanting to distract Naruto maybe add a part about Naruto being sad about having a family and questioning whether they abandon him or not and Kaze of course says that's not true, but sees that Naruto has issues over the idea and revealing himself right away wouldn't be good for him mentally till the match is over cause it might affect his performance.

Naruto and Hinata Forever:)
NarHina chapter 1 . 1/11/2019
It was alright love the sweet NaruHina baby moment and how Hikari joked about it.

As for Kaze I like him, also don't want him to completely main character and it feels like he is going to be OP.

Naruto and Hinata Forever:)
orein123 chapter 1 . 1/12/2018
Seems like it has potential, though I do agree with some of the points brought up in some negative reviews. In general, the idea that anyone in the village would react that poorly to killing in defense is more than a little unbelievable, but I can look past that.

That being said, I would highly, highly HIGHLY, recommend either getting a beta reader, or firing your current one if you have one. Your writing style is alright, but all the technical stuff (spelling, grammar, phrasing, etc.) needs some work. All in all, not the best first impression I've gotten from a story on this site, but far from the worst. I don't mean for this review to sound overly negative or harsh, but you are right on that line between meh and good. I'll keep reading with hopes that it gets better, maybe my first impression was wrong.
bloody dragon fang chapter 5 . 1/8/2018
oh dang
lara5170 chapter 5 . 1/4/2018
I'm looking forward to reading more and hoping Naruto becomes more powerful. I'm also hoping he gets rid of the orange kill me jumpsuit now that his brother is back hopefully he will set him straight about what a ninja shouldn't wear.
thor94 chapter 4 . 1/4/2018
some clash, at least naruto didn't take well, even if he forgiven so easily.
But hope you plan naruto fully befriend and tame yang kurama very fast (means before the end of 3y timeskip).
And give naruto a powerful bloodline, the adamantine sealing chain, and have kurama give naruto a true powerful special ability than kaze can't have (or give naruto genjutsu casting talent). no ability like only sensing or raw power bullshit (since kaze has already them without yang kyuubi). a true badass skill as versatile as using genjutsu.
like yang kyuubi allowing naruto to create whatever he want from nowhere like weapons (from kunai to big cannon), elements (water, lava, chakra metal, gold, etc), plants and maybe living animals and trully shapeshifting in whatever he want, including animals and all there attributes and strength (means naruto 'henge' into fish or shark can swim underwater indefinitely without air, into bird can fly, into dragon can fly, breath elements or obliterate houses with his paw.
Sparky548 chapter 4 . 11/25/2017
Please update soon I want more Kaze and Haruna and the Omake was super funny so update soon
AvatarUzumaki chapter 3 . 11/20/2017
Love it. but I hope Naruto has aa normal reaction when he finds about his brother because what kid would forgive so easily after your own family abandons you.
Hyuuga Hitomichan chapter 4 . 11/8/2017
Hi! Amazing plot! I love the way u write...but 1) dont use ADHD since its not just is a serious mental disorder ! 2) please write more and more scenes of Kaze and Harunam totally shipping them right from the first chapter
lara5170 chapter 4 . 11/5/2017
I'm kind of hoping Naruto surpasses his brother
lara5170 chapter 3 . 10/25/2017
This seems to be more about Naruto's unknown super powerful older brother. I hope he tells Naruto the truth and helps him become powerful. I wonder what he will think when Naruto beats Gaara? It has always bugged me how Naruto wasn't recognized for his achievements after the chunin exams
Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf chapter 3 . 10/25/2017
...Are you a Nintendo fan? I was gonna let the Super Effective joke pass (after all, Pokemon is renowned for that) but the next sentence indlues "Show me your moves!" That cannot be accident. So thanks for a good laugh! :D

Ah, I am loving this story so much... it's funny, Sakura is, thankfully, not portrayed as a complete and utter bitch, Kaze is quite original, and omg. NaruHina. Just the NaruHina was enough for me. *_*

So... did I mention how hard I laughed during the Hyuga council vs Kaze scene? You had me holding my stomach in laughter. I mean, even his entrance was priceless. I'm pretty sure I blushed at his err... implied usage of "Gentle Fist." And omg, I am totally cheering for Kaze and Haruna. So... KazeHaru? HaruKaze? Whatever is it's ship name, totally shipping it. \m/(_)\m/
cosmicblader12 chapter 3 . 10/25/2017
Thx you for this amazing chapter. It was very interesting to see the interaction between Sakura and Kaze and also the interaction between Naruto and Sakura! Hope to see more soon!
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