Reviews for In The Middle of the Night
FearlessLeader-Leonardo chapter 1 . 7/7/2018
The feels for Leo is too strong! I love it!
Nutella Swirl chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Very sweet! I love how his thoughts drift from dark to light :D
Jessica Wolfe chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
Great, sad piece. Leo is my favorite turtle, and it hurts to see him suffer, but you did a great job.

Just one con-crit here. The sentence "Couldn't force Donnie to go to bed early instead of staying up the exhaustion finally claimed him." There's a problem with tense at the end. I think it should be 'claiming' instead of 'claimed'. Also, I'm not sure who the exhaustion claimed. It could be Leo or Donnie. This needs to be clarified. And there should probably be a comma after "up". . . . instead of staying up, the exhaustion finally claiming him . . .

Hope that made sense. Great fic!
Snowfun chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
So sad but so true! Great job on bringing out the broken side of Leo
Rose Black Dragon chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
I have always wonder how difficult it must be to be a leader, I'm the eldest sibling and I'm fifteen years older than my bros, so sometimes I almost have treated them like they were my children, so I slightly knows Leo's thoughts, but, of course, I don't know nothing about being always alert in battle.
As always you have described Leo's thoughts about himself wonderfully. He always treates himself like he is somekind of loser or worse. Like he is blindfolded and can't notice the great works he always does to lead his team to victory, like the intro song: "He does anything it takes to get his ninjas through."
Loved the final part, Leo thinking his family were worth of any sacrifice. Those final words were so tender and lovely, but after all, everyone of them are the fuel which keeps Leo doing what he does best, guide, protect and do evrything in his hands to keep them safe, always giving himself for others.
You are doing an excellent job, mi amiga. :D