Reviews for Ducktober 2017
Nina feliz chapter 26 . 2/16/2018
Oh Donald, angry baby Donald, his lifes is too hard and he is too precious
Nina feliz chapter 21 . 2/16/2018
Geez... ok, geez, this is geting too real. Poor Louie, but I do thing you write him very in character
Nina feliz chapter 19 . 2/16/2018
The headlines hahahahahaha
Nina feliz chapter 17 . 2/16/2018
the feels just keep coming
Nina feliz chapter 15 . 2/16/2018
Yes! Fatherly Donald and Webby, this is why I wake up every morning for.
Nina feliz chapter 14 . 2/16/2018
Wait... Donald wasnt scared? how come?...
And thanks for bringing José too!
Nina feliz chapter 13 . 2/16/2018
Thanks for writing Panchito!
I love when the Three caballeros show up (even if it is only two of them), I really, really hope they show up on Ducktales, I know it would be really hard to do that, but still, hope is the last thing to die
Nina feliz chapter 10 . 2/16/2018
This one, THIS ONE! hit me HARD! right in the feels, this just too much. This is too real, what any well off parent would do for their child with out making them feel bad about it!
Best chapter so far!
Nina feliz chapter 6 . 2/16/2018
awww Donald cares for the kids! so cute!
Transformers 0 chapter 2 . 2/15/2018
Poor Dewey!

I understand his predicament. I love running around barefoot too! But sometimes nature can give you nasty surprises!

One time I wandered barefoot into a gorse patch that was hidden by grass. Luckily, my feet weren't bleeding after I stumbled out.
John Smith chapter 9 . 1/9/2018
AWWWWWWWW. This is precious and so sweet. I love it so much! Very cute, short little chapter.

...IS WHAT I HAD TYPED ALREADY. Sorry I forgot to leave this review! I always appreciate seeing characters with unique quirks, and Heaven knows that Webby is unique!
John Smith chapter 31 . 1/8/2018
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm sad it's over, but I'm SO HAPPY you ended it on such a nice note. I love character study fics, and Donald's character in this show is so interesting and wonderful to me. Seeing you break it down like this was fantastic. Great, great chapter and possibly my top fave out of the whole fic! Awesome note to end on!

Overall this fic was a wild and wonderful and sweet and sad and engaging and dynamic ride! Et cetera! It was fantastically fun to read, and I'm so glad you took the time to write it. Once upon a time in 2014, I also wrote a "-tober" fic of my own, and boy can I relate to the trials that come with all that work. It was fun, though. I hope you continue writing more DuckTales fics. Happy writing!
John Smith chapter 30 . 1/8/2018
AWWWWWW! This is COMPLETELY adorable. I love it so much! What a sweet chapter. I love how sentimental the boys are with their childhood. It's so nice to see that. I love love love this! And Webby wanting to match - that's just way too cute. She's a top notch cutie!
John Smith chapter 29 . 1/8/2018
Another great chapter. I'm interested that Gulls didn't invite all three in the hope of getting three birthday gifts, but maybe he saw something in Louie that swayed him. Either way, I love this concept a lot. I'm sure it happens. Donald is being a bit of a bad influence there, ESPECIALLY to Louie, who is willing to do a lot for a quick dollar. xD
John Smith chapter 28 . 1/8/2018
LOL I love how casually Webby handles the ghost. The way you write her is 100% on point, and it's a pleasure to see her so confident in the place she knows so well. Great chapter! Also, poor Huey. He definitely has his Uncle Donald's tendency to overthink and worry about things. He's a cutie!
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