Reviews for The World Meets Canada
AlizaGam chapter 223 . 7/4
This was amazing!

I'm glad Romano was his choice I really did love their chemistry. Ned and Norway were also my top picks so I'm glad they were up there.
This was really well written.
Sinistrad chapter 223 . 6/19
Boy, I'm glad he didn't choose someone like Russia, no offense to any of RusCan shippers, but Canada is too good for him, just look at the way he treats the Baltics and Poland, for example, and tell me again how those two would be able to have a healthy relationship.

Romano x Canada is sweet, even though I'm more of a NedCan person, considering the WW2. Switzerland or Liechtenstein would be awesome too, since they're the most peaceful nations, but more people voted for Romano, so he won fair and square.
Sinistrad chapter 185 . 6/19
The fact that France was the one, who managed to make America listen to him, makes me proud, considering Alfred's stubbornness and stuff.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14
Phantom, you havent written any real critiscm, you were just going after a one guest review that was written almost a year ago and is far, like very far away from being even in the first page of this comment section. After finding and reading their comment, it was more about the misplaced patriotism of the Americans (which happens a lot in this fandom tbh) than about Matthew. Are you swopcorn by any chances? Coz I dont see any other reason why you decided to whine about that one particular comment after such a long time. And theres no need to be insulting people who love Canada while hiding behind a guest review. They have their right to write positive comments, and just as easily as they could’ve decided not to write their reviews, you could’ve decided to ignore them and move on. Just saying.
Phantom chapter 223 . 6/9
Guest, first of all, I'm not even american, nor do I like Alfred that much personally, because I think he's way too wimpy for my tastes, often even wimpier than Feliciano, not in this story, but in general. I used to like Matthew, but some of his fanbase ruined his character for me a while ago. Second, I have nothing against the author, or Canada (the actual country, not the Hetalia character), but, if authors on this site are publishing their stories for everyone to see, they have to be prepared for both positive and negative reviews. And the ''Canada-obsessed fanatic'' bit was addressed to some reviewers (like Summer) who don't really seem to accept that some people might not like the character, not towards the author herself. And if you think Canada (the character) has so little ''Gary Stu'' stories, you're clearly the new one in this fandom.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1
Okay guys some of you are being rude, there is no reason for you to bash this author especially if you don't even have an account! This is a fun story if you don't like it you are not forced to read it! Funny how people complain that Canada gets his chance to be gary stu in a one story when the title literally is "The World Meets Canada" so of course Canada is the center of attention here. Alfred is a ridiculous Gary Stu in hundreds of stories and no one blinks an eye. I guess the Americans really are jealous of Canada after all lol.
Phantom chapter 223 . 5/24
Summer, people like you Canada-obsessed fanatics really can't handle even a tiniest bit of criticism towards your overrated Mary Sue crybaby, can you?
Forgotten Echoes chapter 223 . 5/9
I frikking love this story so much. The details and the ships, ah! Thank you for getting this far, honestly this is one of my favorites and it makes me smile no matter how many times I read it. And the Multiships? Mattie and Romano are one of my fav crack ships, and this story just makes me want to shriek like my internal 15 year old fangirl. Drama, Romance, Friendship, Family, Magic... I give this a 25/10. 3
Guest chapter 223 . 4/15
DUDEEE if it’s not too much to ask
You should make a sequel or like an epilogue 3
Gabe Itch chapter 16 . 3/21
NeinNameHier chapter 222 . 2/5
aww hell yeah dude! I loved going through this journey of emotions with you all, twas fun 3 2/5/20 I really enjoyed this, I can't express how happy I was whenever an update came out 33
TiNyDeMoNcHiLd chapter 124 . 1/15
I enjoy the story and it distracts me from the depression creeping up behind me w/ a knife in its hand.

I thank you for making story pop into existence and I also read quickly. I thannkkkkk yoooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Blumune chapter 223 . 1/8
I saw it was the last chapter and my friend legit had to give me relaxing breathing methods to stop me from crying. This. fanfic. was. fucking ( pardon ). amazing.
Blumune chapter 72 . 1/5
Smoooooooooth Denmark, smooooooooth.
Blumune chapter 20 . 1/4
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