Reviews for Blood Chain
Ammolite Stone 487 chapter 2 . 2/20
lala chapter 58 . 9/13/2019
I really liked the puppyshipping. I wish they kissed!
Girl with guns chapter 58 . 12/21/2018
I love it, thank you, I have been looking for a good vampire story for a while, and this was definately a good story, so thank you :D
The Jingo chapter 58 . 11/15/2018
I expected this to be horrible because that's how vampire fics usually are but it was actually very good
The Jingo chapter 11 . 11/15/2018
Kaiba the Vampire Slayer

I fucking died lol
GGMJ chapter 58 . 7/8/2018
Oh my gosh, this story has been absolutely amazing and I love how Yugi didn't accept his proposal at first and then she got all flustered toward the end. Keep up the amazing job.
jilnachtaugen chapter 58 . 7/4/2018
My attempts at controlling my squealing failed miserably. Haaa, that proposal was just too cute! (I would’ve loved to have one for Joey and Seto).

Anyways, thanks a bunch for this story Lowe, and I can’t wait for the next one!
jilnachtaugen chapter 57 . 7/4/2018
Money balls? That’s a new one! My god you made Atem go through hell every damn chapter. Are you sure you don’t have a sadistic side against him?
jilnachtaugen chapter 56 . 7/4/2018
For once, I was happy to see Pegasus! I’m sure it won’t happen again. Movin’ on!
jilnachtaugen chapter 55 . 7/4/2018
Okay, something must be off about my account cause I don’t get freakin update emails for this story anymore!
I can’t believe I missed 3 chapters!

Anyways, badass escape, badass Joey, super badass Moluba! Conclusionbadass chapter!
gindensmi chapter 58 . 6/17/2018
This rocked! You did a great job at writing this story!
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 58 . 6/2/2018
Personally in think that was a good way to end it and I kinda liked how Pegasus acted as male and kept those damn doctors in check.
The epilogue was adorable and I like how the focus remains on the cast and not the whole end of the world we're human again and starting over thing but this worked and I totally besr you-when a story is ready to be finished then finished it :) I came to the same conclusion when I finished the raccoon and the shadow king and the story was all the more. Egged corn jt! So is this one!
This was fantastic! By far one of my fav vampire stories EVER! It was very original it was unique and still action packed the romance was great and realistic as well and damn it thst epilogue was not super cute I get such a kick out of the age and cultural difference between these two and yet irbid works!
Fantastic story girl! I hope you write more like it! I csnt wait to see your next project!
angiembabe chapter 58 . 6/2/2018
Oh! It's the end? Did everyone get cured? Atem certainly seems to have recovered okay, but does he have any nasty side effects of his vampire disease?
I must say, for a Halloween drabble, this certainly turned into an epic!
Now that this project is finished, do you have any more exciting stories in the pipeline?
angiembabe chapter 57 . 6/2/2018
Aww.. poor Atem. He was very proud of his wings.
angiembabe chapter 56 . 6/2/2018
Poor you! Sorry to hear you have not been feeling good. I hope the brick wall is okay ;-)
I loved Kaiba's politically incorrect thoughts. He just hates everyone!
Please let Atem recover with some quality of life - poor old man.
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