Reviews for Elementary Law
Kaia Jane chapter 28 . 7/25
Well done chapter
acw1 chapter 28 . 7/23
William Francies Reisen-Newman chapter 28 . 7/21
please move on, I don't need to take a cold shower again. However it was a great update.
Coraldog chapter 28 . 7/20
Just found this story and I love it. I read it all in the past 2 days. I was worried at first because I find that a lot of stories that do the continued switching just pretty much do the same scene in the other person's pov but I love your format of sometimes slight overlap but mostly new scenes, it is just soo interesting.
Survey answer: I'd say to move the story on instead of continuing the scene.
EdwardLoverForever13 chapter 28 . 7/19
Loved the chapter! I loved how natural is seemed for them to live together. I hope they move in soon! I mean Lizzie is all for it! Can’t wait to read more! Honestly whatever you right I’ll be fine with it! If you want to continue with Bella or change to something else. I know whatever will be great!
QWhidbee10 chapter 28 . 7/18
Loved this chapter... I love Bella's sweet demeanor but I want her to grow a back bone when dealing Tanya and any other skank barbies (Angela is awesome). I want to see her become confidant in her position in Edward's life. Take her to Angela boot camp, lol. Thanks for the update. Hugs...
Rita01tx chapter 28 . 7/18
Loved the judge smackin' down Tanya and her lawyer over her hypocrisy about Bella's qualifications LOL! She just doesn't learn not to cross swords with does her no good at all! Now that Edward has Lizzie's inadvertent permission, I wonder how long it will take him to persuade Bella to move in *wink!*
Ariana1234567 chapter 28 . 7/18
Please update soon
VryUnique chapter 27 . 7/18
Jacob sounded ok with the relationship but probably because he doesn’t think it’s going to go anywhere.
VryUnique chapter 28 . 7/18
Great chapter. Looking forward to the Heidi encounter. I’m hoping Bella grows a backbone during this story, she is going to need it.
Letyoursoulonfire chapter 28 . 7/17
Always add more smut! Loved this update. Can’t wait to see how the “move in” conversation goes!
sonogal chapter 28 . 7/17
Did she ever clean her room? Edward needs to take off the gloves and go after Tanya. No more mister nice guy.
debslmac chapter 28 . 7/17
Guest chapter 28 . 7/17
Oh thank you for another brilliant chapter, I love this story and am always excited when it updates.
Please continue with this scene, hot, hot, hot!
Longing to Write chapter 28 . 7/16
I knew Tanya was too oblivious to realize Bella was Lizzie’s teacher - which is very sad. I love the way the judge could see what her motivation was and is.

I really hope that Edward reports Tanya’s actions in the office to the board, they were totally unprofessional and I’m sure violated numerous Human Resource rules - perfect that it occurred when Edward was not in the office, Heidi didn’t take the bait and Carmen remained professional through it all.

I worry that Tanya will do something like not bringing Lizzie back to Edward after her Thanksgiving and birthday visitation, but I hope I’m wrong.

Edward and Bella are perfect, I think he should meet her parents before he asks her to move in (or to marry him, which I could see him doing). I really hope Bella takes him to Forks for Thanksgiving and her parents love him - and of course he puts the dog in his place.

I love Edward’s point of view - more please.
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