Reviews for Warm Milk
SavageBear8 chapter 47 . 6h
Your writing is incredible, thank you for sharing!
tennis8 chapter 47 . 10/11
I have to re read chapters in order to pick up on the subtle things a sign of an amazing story. I need a moment of Jane walking towards Maura in oven mitts and them not knowing whether to laugh or... aanndd I have always wondered about a story where Jane and Maura meet in some form when Jane is healing and all the different directions that could go. I could read a hundred more chapters in this beautiful little world you have created , thank you , thank you for writing!
AngieB628 chapter 47 . 10/10
Only you can do this to me...and all in one Chapter.

Make me scared that neither character can handle this time of year.
Make me nervous...maybe one can and the other can’t.
Make me happy...Maura refuses to give up on Jane’s recovery...regardless.
Make me hot...Maura realizing that now is the time to ask for what she wants.
Make me double hot...both getting what they want.
Make me scared...Jane is still vulnerable and might not understand Maura’s intensity.
Make me joyful...they both can talk it out and realize each other’s needs and desires.
Make me snort laughter way louder than I should have...when Jane is just being Jane and seeing every situation through her unique perspective. (Oven mitts, really?! The best!)
Make me sad...maybe you will stop writing this any time soon.

This really is the best story I’ve ever read about these two.
Guest chapter 45 . 10/9
This story is making my life right now ️
sf.fangirl chapter 47 . 10/9
The last scene is just so sweet and loving. I keep returning to it. They communicate and understand each other. That’s relationship goals, right there!
kate chapter 47 . 10/9
oh my girl, never apologized for a long chapter ahhaa it is very much appreciated. Thanks for keep working on this story. I love everything about it.
wcduran chapter 47 . 10/8
Another fantastic chapter. You write them so beautifully. You make them soft and sweet and caring with one another. Then in the same sentence, you make them sexy and hot and primal. This story continues to amaze me and is still by far, my favorite story EVER.

Thank you so much for bringing it to the world.

Until next time.
burglover421 chapter 47 . 10/8
The oven mitts comment is so Jane !
Guest chapter 47 . 10/8
IsaBabisa chapter 47 . 10/7
Hee hee hee! Good chapter. I like them better mostly soft myself, but I can see where sometimes you need a different experience. And the conversation after is so sweet and cute. Love it. Thanks!
ahsnaps chapter 47 . 10/7
That was a really cute ending. SHORT, but I’m wowed at your writing every chapter so its okay. Keep em comin but take your time.
Mylovemaura chapter 47 . 10/7
Love the long chapter. Loved seeing the update in my email. I love this story and want it to go on forever!
sally rally chapter 47 . 10/7
Oh wow. Really very nice way to explain that. Well done. Thank you.
Guest chapter 47 . 10/7
"So would it ruin the mood if I plowed you wearing oven mitts?"
This line is everything!
janeandmaura05 chapter 47 . 10/7
oh my i love it
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