Reviews for A Boy Walks Home Alone at Night
PacificOuroboros chapter 6 . 7/27/2019
I confess I’ve read this story at least three times now, and I owe you a review. Matter of fact, you deserve a ton of reviews for this gem in a genre that could have been trite, yet you have really done something special with it. It has really captivated me and I found it emotionally riveting.
* Chapter 6 - fav line “I could write novels about the things I want to do with you.”
Character-wise, you’ve portrayed some of my favorite traits cleverly woven into your AU plot.
I really hope you are writing outside of fan fiction as well, as I’ve enjoyed your stories and style so much. I look forward to more when you have time; thank you for sharing your creation!
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 19 . 6/30/2018

wait..I think I forgot something, I need a cure. Babe! I need your 'magic'. Cure me!

I enjoyed reading I need the next chapter now :) Please update soon XD
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 18 . 6/30/2018
What Ichigo's mind forgets, his heart (and body) remembers (﹏)"
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 17 . 6/30/2018
. . . . . I'm crying :( …
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 16 . 6/30/2018
o_O what's going on? What happened to Ichigo?
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 15 . 6/30/2018
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 14 . 6/28/2018
Ichigo came back early for Uryu's birthday :) how sweet :)
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 13 . 6/28/2018
Ryuuken wants Ichigo and Uryu to get married? Ryuuken? Really? Wow! Why?
And..a new character. Yoruichi...SHE'S FLIRTING WITH URYU! SHE'S SEDUCING HIM! She'd be...a love rival?
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 12 . 6/28/2018
"I hope you brought something for breakfast." Kurosaki grinned and said, "If not, I'll settle for having you." I think 'Ichigo' is the meaning of the word... 'ROMANTIC'?...

"Fine. But when I get the green light, I'm not holding back." -and 'horny'..

"How am I supposed to take an accurate reading if you get aroused every time I try?" -definitely 'HORNY'.
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 11 . 6/28/2018
Ichigo is now human! :-D

And "Welcome back, brother"? who- Shiro?
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 10 . 6/25/2018
This chapter was a sad one. Yes, I hate Shiro, but I don't think I want him to end like that. I was really sad and idk..maybe I was just hoping that there would be another way to, like, change him or something.

anyway, vampireKurosaki to humanKurosaki is now going to happen?!

0o。(-. - )
I should be excited about that for Ichigo right? But why am I still sad :'(

Oh and I'm that two 'Guest' before this review. Forgot to sign in.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/25/2018
Ichiishi's first date! Kurosaki, you're such a sweetie, planning that date is so romantic.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/25/2018
"Try not to blush too much"? Really? Well, even if Kurosaki's not a vampire, a blushing Ishida would be a tease for him.
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 7 . 6/13/2018
You evil Shiro! Hurting my baby Ishida. Good thing Kurosaki's always to the rescue. And he's such an 'overprotective, paranoid freak who stalks his own boyfriend' kind of boyfriend. I love it.
ishida.kurosaki.10 chapter 6 . 6/13/2018
That was super hot! I mean really HOT! Ishida and Kurosaki, they're both sexy, especially together, just the two of them, on the same bed. And Ryouken, not your typical type of a father but in this chapter, he kinda shows that he cared for his son.
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