Reviews for Hot Off the Press Romance
Guest chapter 46 . 5/4
Man, still my absolute favorite part of this whole series is when Sango tells him not to touch her again, and he agrees. The whispers "Unless you beg for it~" I just have to laugh every time!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/2
Not very far (chapter 3) but I underestimated how much I would enjoy the characters in a modern setting I weirdly love it. I love Sango and Miroku and everyone so much, I love all of it though I feel guilty that(I enjoy how) Sango has to put up with all the sexual harassment from Miroku. Still I love it! just got to remind myself that it's okay she's not real, nothing to feel bad about
Guest chapter 46 . 2/1
I literally read this three times in a row. I really love this one. I hope to get another chapter soon. Keep up the good work ️
M.Lalonde chapter 46 . 1/10
Sometimes we can't control what happens in our lives, so don't worry.

I hope everything is resolved, I love this story (read it in two days without sleep) and I really
wanting to know what will happen to her.
M.Lalonde chapter 5 . 1/8
Not only are you writing from my OTP (MirSan) but you are also writing from my other OTP, KohaRin.

I've been five chapters and I'm already enjoying everything.
Shadow Cat17 chapter 46 . 4/10/2019
I hope you feel better soon! Use this time to heal.
Ember Reverie chapter 46 . 4/9/2019
I hope things take a turn for the better for you soon. Take this time to heal. :)
IrishDreamer4 chapter 46 . 4/9/2019
Get well soon. Take your time and I hope you get better and returning to writing.
Beccaboo14 chapter 46 . 4/9/2019
Thinking of you I hope things start looking up soon.
Shadow Cat17 chapter 45 . 1/21/2019
I am really enjoying your story so far! I like the drama and how it just helps to build and support the MirSan love! I do have one question though about this chapter, and it might just me being a bit to logical: So they did lose the building to a horrific event but technically they still have jobs, because the company is still in existence just not the building. Unless Sesshomaru does not have insurance or anything... also, didn't they also have a foreign office? So, I guess my question is why do they all assume that they no longer have jobs? Sesshomaru did not fire them, nor did he give up his company, it is just in ashes right now...
Ember Reverie chapter 45 . 1/20/2019
Sweet comfort sex.
Ember Reverie chapter 44 . 12/24/2018
I'm glad they all got out okay. Well, I guess the jury's still out on Sesshomaru, but it's freaking Sesshomaru, so.

Poor Ayame. Sounds like survivor's guilt.
vixxelle1 chapter 43 . 12/20/2018
Well that was quite an unexpected turn! Please update soon! I can't even guess what's about to happen!
Ember Reverie chapter 43 . 12/19/2018
That sounds like quite the decision for Sango. She has good reasons for both accepting and rejecting the move to the history department.

Oh, damn!
I think we all know who caused the explosion.
Ember Reverie chapter 42 . 12/16/2018
Boy, the adults sure are trusting about Rin and Kohaku's relationship; letting her sleep over with him...

I'm loving all the MirSan sexiness.
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