Reviews for Terms
Dinkerdoodle chapter 5 . 4/22
PLEASSE TELL ME YOUR GOING TO UPDATE THIS! It’s been years! I need more! Pajcoahxkanx 3
hroe2010 chapter 5 . 2/4
Late to the party but enjoyed this work very much. Would love to see more :) Thank you!
Oliver chapter 5 . 1/25
I desperatly want the next chapter! Now that is a good story if I know one. Can't wait for the continuation
DSunny chapter 5 . 8/26/2019
How does this story not have more reviews? Your characterization is absolutely wonderful, and I'm loving all of the little everyday details you've been adding to the story.

I love how change and acceptance for Kallus are things that are not happening quickly or easily, and the dialogue between him and Zeb feels spot on.

The scene on the roof with the rebels chanting back gave me chills, and I'm really curious about that cliffhanger regarding Zeb's reaction.

Great job so far. You've definitely left me hoping for an update to the story.
Dhalia Emerit chapter 5 . 3/18/2018
I do hope this will be continued! I only recently started reading Rebels fanfiction (to fill the void) and this is easily one of, if not the best written I've come across.

The way you use descriptions, the way you write the characters, it's all so pleasantly realistic and I adore it! I found it yesterday evening(or the day before?) and it kept me up until 3 in the morning (accidentally, of course) I was so enthralled. I'm amazed this doesn't have more follows/favorites/reviews to be completely honest.

If/when you do update, you can count me a regular reviewer. Meanwhile, I shall be re-reading what's here!
KyberJewel chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
Probably one of the most well written stories in this category.
Takeno chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Thank you very much for sharing this story!
I like the way you discripe Kallus imperial trained mind and actions very much. Nice that you take the time to go the long road, from his rescure to what we saw lately, I am so very curious what you plan to write. Please contuniue, and I also appreciate that you wrote a very long chapter!
Your writing is also very good my the way, nice work!