Reviews for A Breath For The Drowned
Lone wolf aka Black Hawk Omega chapter 1 . 1/6/2019
Unbelievably stoked on this story. PLEASE PLEASE update!
NaeRei chapter 2 . 10/17/2018
Yes, reviewing myself...sad i kown, i know, lol, anyway its a reply to the two spoiled brats revenge reviewing me for calling on and reporting one of them for posting "fics" that are not fics but just bashing and name-shaming other authors, cant even be called criticism, would have done this internally with PMs, but like any adult they are employing the dish out and dash tactic, i would not mention names but it would be pointless as they are already there in the "reviews" nothing i can do can hide that.

So that said, dear kingdomarchiesonic2018 and now SilverHeroes63

Yes i made a duplicate account, you know why? because you SilverHeroes63 and kingdomarchiesoni are so childish that you can not make nor keep a valid argument, you revenge review with insults as you guys have shown without knowing what you are reviewing and then block who you review, cowards much? And you my dear SilverHeroes63 if you are not kingdomarchiesoni something i highly doubt, call me horrible troll , call me shit. insult ones mother with revenge review that IF you aren't kingdomarchiesoni then you know nothing of what happened, then block? Doesn't even reach trolling level its downright pathetic and childish and to add to that you say i pretend to be a victim? victim of what? a child trowing a tantrum?

I review calling out someone who had ZERO work done themselves and had 2 multi chapter "fics" bashing and name shaming others, i call im, saying without insults that all his bashing is noting more than hot hair if he can not present actual work, response? PM with insults and no counter argument, a revenge review and a block, a block because he is too muc of a child for an argument. just like you dear SilverHeroes63, thats why he got the response he got from the second count. you assume things and insult without knowing a thing, that alone tells us much about you.

You say i go around trolling and bashing with 2 accounts? a challenge for you tow children, go and find such cancerous reviews from my accounts, you already know the accounts names, go on, find them, you with this revenge review of yours already have my records beaten. congratulations.

You may try insult me with your petty insults and i welcome them, it shows how childish and petty of a person you are, it shows you are incapable of having an valid argument like an adult, it shows you jump to insults without knowing what you are talking about or defending. Please keep them coming, its another proof, another review, another view count.

Thanks for the review, but a piece of advice to you tow, grow up and if you want to prove a point at least do try to have a founded argument otherwise all you are doing is trowing a tantrum and making a fool of yourselves.
And sorry the english, as i mentioned i am selftought, criticism and/or corrections are welcome.
GenieNight08 chapter 2 . 10/16/2018
You are a absolute disgrace to all writers. I feel sorry for whatever parents had the misfortune to give birth to pathetic piece of shit like you. All you do is go around bashing other people's stories. Because your own fanfic is complete garbage.

You go around making multiple accounts to insult people. "NaeRei" & "RydaNae". You are just a cancerous troll who failed at school. So you spend your pathetic excuse of a life down in your mother's basement to troll people.

You are just worst kind of scumbag. You play the victim card while you insult other people like the spineless coward you are. You go to other people's fanfics and make multiple accounts so you can continue attacking them even after they blocked you like the piece of shit you are.

People like you are a cancer on the world. You only make things worse and you ruin communities like this one worse with your trolling. The world would be better off without scumbags like are nothing but a cancerous piece of shit and no one is going to miss a scumbag like you when you die. Have fun with your pathetic piece of trash that you call your life, you scumbag.
kingdomarchiesonic2018 chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
The cringeworthy writing here is complete and total garbage. You are just an asshole who goes around insulting people but you can't write for shit.

Your english is complete garbage. I know you are a mentally retarded idiot but at least try to act like you have brain cells.

You are a disgrace to writers everywhere. Just do everyone a favour and delete this garbage. Toxic Naruto fangirls like you are an embarrassment to anime fans everywhere. Cancerous people like you shouldn't be allowed on this website in the first place
rescue 007 chapter 2 . 7/14/2018
This is dead
Stonepotrice chapter 2 . 2/19/2018
First of all your self taught English is fine! I didn't find anything wrong when I read this. I'm waiting on dark metal #6 myself and yes flash did turn traitor. My question is do you plan to do the other one shots or side connecting stories like nightwing, suicide squad, red death, lost... Etc
NeonZangetsu chapter 2 . 2/18/2018, I think you had a problem with the update there, bud.

Still, I'll be keeping an eye on this.


Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
As a non-English reader, I think your English is pretty good :D And I'm happily surprised by your story :D that's one I'm gonna follow with the most attention :D
DarkJoey chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
I say you're quite talented.
Jebest4781 chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
good potential here, could use work on things but turned out well as best as possible
NeonZangetsu chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
Very good!

A word of wise however, might want to avoid "it was supposed to" as well as "and" being used overly much. Tends to detract from things.

I'll be keeping an eye on this to see where it goes.


Houkaru Kisaragi chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
The DC Metal story is relatively new, so I'm surprised somebody heard about it, much lest write something on it.
Sure, grammar needs some fixing but its still alright. Might need to work on the plot though, since you mentioned it was improvised I supposed you don't have much substance.

It will be interesting to see more.
keyblade master cole chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
Wait that's it the story is over he becomes a slave I call bull with Naruto power he should of won easily.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
Like where this is going

Your English isn't that bad