Reviews for Up Yours Dumbles
Matt chapter 5 . 7/18
Your editor really fell down on the job with this chapter. There are so many spelling mistakes it's ridiculous.
Matt chapter 4 . 7/18
Apparently you don't know anything about the cause of bad vision. It's not about the optic nerve, it's about the shape of the cornea. That's how they're able to correct people's vision using lasers. They reshape the lens of the eye. It's why contact lenses work - they work with the natural lens of the eye to correct your vision. Regrowing the optic nerve would do nothing for Harry's vision. That would only help someone who was blind because of damage to their optic nerve.
Hypatius chapter 10 . 7/19
well that was a... summary, to not be rude.
Mahruz Masrur chapter 10 . 7/15
jltavare chapter 10 . 7/13
This was an absolutely great story!
Ricardo chapter 2 . 6/17
Dropped such a harsh force of marriage no time to even get to know each other also daphne calling Harry my lord makes her sound like she’s below Harry and nothing but a good little trophy wife.
Bele chapter 10 . 6/10
hmpf your story reads like a video tape going on quadruple speed or like a summary of an ever longer story. thanks for sharing!
d chapter 10 . 6/7
i call bullshit on sideswipe crash they can pop out of the car what the hell killing off daphs sister and parents thats just maks the ending writen so bad
missgsmith51 chapter 3 . 6/3
I'm curious as to why Snape would be permitted to burn Daphne's personal books. Why would Dumbledore allow such an invasion of her personal belongings? What did the senior Greengrasses do? Did they complain? Just curious.
santa s angry elf chapter 10 . 5/31
simply great
JWOHPfan chapter 10 . 5/19
A brilliant story! Too much use of the f-word in my opinion, but to each their own.
Love2read23 chapter 10 . 5/5
I'll admit that all those children and grandchildren listed at the end was confusing, that I kind of wasn't pleased Harry married Tracy (that definitely illegal in the U.S.), and that I don't like their children were all named after immediate family especially alive ones. Maybe it's just me and while I do love family names from generations ago and my family usually passes the parents' name down as the child’s middle name, but I just don't like none of their children had a name all their own.
I'm glad Hermione escaped the Weasleys in the end. I had thought/hoped that Harry had Gringotts give her a share of the basilisk money since she was frozen and then maybe Gringotts noticed the love potions while she was there like maybe they have a pen that detects compulsions when clients go to sign legal documents. Fyi it says that Ron married Lavender not remarried. I am assuming he's the father of Hermione's son that stayed while her daughter moved to the U.S. with her.
"Harry suffered at his adopted mother's sister" this line makes his sound like Harry's mom adopted him or was adopted.
I am glad Harry had a big loving family.
When they chosen to adopt Beth, I worried it might be a regret like on This is Us but considering Harry and Daphne were replacing a deceased triplet and that they're very loving parents, I don't think it was a problem. For Daphne making a point to Mrs. Weasley that the no-maj world is advanced in natal care and triplets live, it was ridiculous that Astoria dying in childbirth so young. That must have been difficult on Daphne. Also, why do so many of their family die in car crashes? They're not that common and as a wizard they can cast cushioning charms around their vehicle.
Thank you for writing. It's been fun.
I loved all the amazing skills Harry and Daphne learned.
bruffio chapter 10 . 5/5
can i just say i love this story must have read it 5 times but I've one complaint, i wish it was longer so i could stay invested in it. great work
Jestersky98 chapter 3 . 4/18
I absolutely despise a Harry Potter that isn't willing to learn or complains about learning
They can get fucked and die
My Alternate Reality chapter 10 . 4/15
Great story.
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