Reviews for RWBY Zero
dreaddragonknight chapter 95 . 5h
a great ending to a great story, i am just imaging they later used magecraft too somehow at least change Ruby's new body female if nothing else, cause gender confusion is a thing (even if that isn't the right term)
dreaddragonknight chapter 94 . 6h
Well that is a thing that just happened, well done.

Yang is also the only maiden left considering 2 became lesser grails and another is kinda stuck in an AI's core
dreaddragonknight chapter 93 . 16h
damnit Blake you pulled a Catra! The only upside being the world isn't f*cked because of it

Also couldn't Gil use his bullshit to reattach Yang's arm somewhat then heal her?
dreaddragonknight chapter 92 . 7/20
this chapter felt like the ending of the new version of She Ra: heart breaking, badass, and full of feels
dreaddragonknight chapter 91 . 7/19
that was awesome, also Arturia in Winter's body just makes me think of Arturia pallet swapped with Winter's colors
dreaddragonknight chapter 90 . 7/19
i get that Gaia is taking her sweet ass time recovering and the Counter Force got ganked before it could deploy but where is Primate Murder during all this, Salam is from a human and the Grimm are just shitty servants, shouldn't that Dog of Death have done something or is it taking a nap or something?
dreaddragonknight chapter 89 . 7/19
that scene though, it had so much in it and held so much history to it that reading it was breathtaking, not enough stories have Gil grow from his experiences
dreaddragonknight chapter 88 . 7/18
dear god man you ran that train of feels through a station of emotions and ended this chapter with hilarity

Also you wrote an amazing Winter and a truly heroic Mordred
dreaddragonknight chapter 87 . 7/18
well that is a thing that happened,
dreaddragonknight chapter 86 . 7/18
that was awesome, very well done. Yang finally gets a win!
dreaddragonknight chapter 85 . 7/18
Well that was a fun thing to read, also Yang is gonna Yang with Oscar having to interact with the King of Heroes for longer then most
dreaddragonknight chapter 84 . 7/17
i love Mordred's reaction to the evil mud, its just great XD
dreaddragonknight chapter 83 . 7/17
i now have this image from Carnival Phantasm of Saber Alter flicking Gilgamesh on the forehead only its Ruby.

Weiss is gonna need lots of therapy and hugs, also does it make me a bad person that during Weiss's part of this chapter i kept singing 'its a mental breakdown' to the tune of Final Countdown?
dreaddragonknight chapter 82 . 7/17
wow, you made one hell of an emotionally intense scene, and damn does Ruler have poor timing
dreaddragonknight chapter 81 . 7/16
the WeissXSetenta Alter ship is very amusing to read of and how casual they are about it is great. Also poor kiritsugu, even beloved by the grail his luck sucks
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