Reviews for Don't Think I Don't Think About It
Shian1998 chapter 1 . 10/14/2018
Great 'It/Stranger Things' crossover! Glad that the entire group stayed together when leaving Hawkins, though terrible choice for a new home. Loved how protective Nancy was of the younger kids here. Felt really bad for her when Pennywise transformed into Barb, and when it said Nancy had tried to look for her in the Upside Down. Glad Steve and Jonathan arrived before the monstrous clown could get her.

Great job with this! :)
ReddieWip chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
I read this on AO3 first a while ago, and I absolutely love it!
ihavesevereopjd chapter 1 . 11/7/2017
This is so good! Nancy's reaction and the fact how Nancy at least tried to get some closure was good details.