Reviews for Second Chance of Redemption:Remix
Josh chapter 3 . 7/18
You aren't not very good about keeping the fact that ichigo is the hollow with black mask really good try i only suspect because of how long I have read fanfiction in general
Leafy-tan chapter 10 . 7/12
Please update
bloodyvalentinejoke chapter 10 . 7/3
how come the good stories always end up dead?
Nitroman98 chapter 10 . 9/21/2019
I'm loving the story so far
CHR15C0 chapter 10 . 9/3/2019
Nice, I really hope you can finish this :p
GuestWithaName chapter 10 . 8/30/2019
Will Ryujin Jakka get a lot of scenes? It is an awesome Zanpakuto, one of my favourites... I'm being a fanboy XD. Luv ur work m8
bleachfan46 chapter 4 . 7/15/2019
Bit boring
TriggerLaw chapter 10 . 10/19/2018
Your doing a great job, keep it up
NaaMaloom chapter 4 . 7/11/2018
Piece of Shit!
kantorlinkbuster chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
Another great chapter. Can't wait for the next!
CyrusDiamon chapter 7 . 7/1/2018
To be perfectly honest having everyone get their Zanpakuto at the same time feels anti-climatic. Making them all Shinigami feels like your taking away something from them. Don't get me wrong it's an okay idea but having them immediately achieving shikai without some form of tension makes the chapter feel lacking.
Arraia chapter 10 . 6/30/2018
perfect and update soon please
ichigo x harem
YeagerMeister31 chapter 10 . 6/30/2018
Well this was quite interesting Byakuya a women huh it's been so long since I read this I've forgotten most of it anyways good chapter can't wait for more
TheWolf87 chapter 10 . 6/30/2018
Loved the return of Hisana, so we're they adopted in the Bya's family or are they real siblings? Either way I'm glad Ichigo is using his brains this time and now the fun begins.
Bloody Rogue dragon deity king chapter 10 . 6/29/2018
You make me want to go over the special trio made for Bleach
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