Reviews for Europa: Tenno in the MCU
Guest chapter 3 . 9/30
Was all for this till you dropped in enough Warframes to solo the MCU, including their armories and ships. Way too overpowered tbh when taking canon Warframe feats into account.
Cinna-Bunbun chapter 23 . 8/1
Lovin this so much! Stay safe with COVID goin on and everything! Hope you update soon, and don't forget to wear a mask!
iHaveNoMoney chapter 23 . 6/14
Okay, lemme start off by saying, love this fic. Like. Holy butterballs, I've always wanted a Warframe/Marvel crossover and I have got no idea how I missed this. HOWEVER, I have to agree with Mo Easy. And that drunk guy, I guess... These Tenno are jerks, to put it lightly. The closest one to a lore accurate Tenno is Rain, and even that's a stretch cause he's a meme at this point. Plus he kind of just... Exists. Spoken of as a game changer, but never really doing anything. Just like the rest of the Warframe cast. Which, admittedly, is something of a let down. BUUUUUUT, you did say they're gonna get some real progression and interaction soon, so kudos! I eagerly await the next chapter! Uh... So like... Story good? Save for some flaws? 7.7/10? (Sorry. I'm bad at ending these lol).
Bolis67 chapter 23 . 5/4
The Plot is good but the way the scene goes especially on the cannon. Why are you still doing it when it changes NOTHING. What is the point? You already KNOW how secrets are supposed to be EARNED.

The Vibreanium. Omg idk why it is important to the tenno when it is clearly the technology of the tenno is FAR MORE SUPERIOR. Idk what you are doing. But yeah those are things that does not make ANY sense. Nonetheless good plot and work
Guest chapter 23 . 4/3
... Okay. I gave this fic a fair shot. And... Well...

I just don't like these Tenno. I can't.

They're such... Pardon my language, but they're ass hats.

They do next to nothing, and even when they do do something, everything they even bother trying to change is so inconsequential. There's a Sentient tech subplot going on, which could be cool, but so far has been mostly irrelevant. There's the Tenno's interest in Vibranium (which, to me, doesn't make sense considering Orokin tech/bullshit makes Vibranium pretty mediocre in comparison), but they only really seem to be bothered by it because of Ultron.

But what irritates me most is... Them. Just. How they are. They're Player!Tenno, which while mostly canon, isn't exact. These guys don't seem to really... Give a damn about almost anything going on around them. There's next to no interaction other than saying they're better than everyone at everything, or complaining over how they lack a real challenge, or how the humans are below them, etc.

"Oh hey, you got a set of wings that let you fly at high speeds? Cool story bro, check this shit out-"

"Pfft, you created an A.I. from the ground up? Bro, a crippled Cephalon can, like, beat up JARVIS any day, bro."

"Yeah, don't worry about your human weaknesses, we used to be vulnerable little flesh bags too till we took a dip in a chaos dimension. You'll get there eventually!"

I understand it's dumb to assume all Tenno are the same, but we know for a fact that as a majority the Tenno put a ton of effort into helping others. Why else would we buy people out of debt in Fortuna? The second hand scrap? We know they're childish (somewhat) because of their interest in bobbleheads, video games, and plushies, but they'll also do almost anything in order to help civilians because of the quest where we help one colony rescue one girl from a money worshiping psychopath. We know they have hero complexes from the comics, where an Excalibur saved a kid from being deleted by a wall of bullets during a Grineer invasion.

Here we get none of that.

Here we get constant flexing and banter.

Not even really good banter. Instead we get Steven Strange, Tony Stark, Thor, Steve Rogers, everyone being treated like they hardly matter.

It's... Jarring? Is that the right word? I guess. It's jarring to see such loved, memorable heroes turned into... This. They're all so... Inadequate.

I'm not going to say I hate this story. I don't. I really, *really* don't. I just... Feel nothing. It's a strange feeling that I can't put into words, but... Nothing is the best way to describe it.

I don't know... You wrote in an author's note, replying to a review with similar views to mine, that you'd make the Tenno have more development and such.

I hope that's true.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/31
Disregard that last review. I didn't realize this was started before the Sacrifice and, well, admittedly, I may or may not have been a bit drunk and angry at the time.

I apologise. Knowing this website and my own spotty connection, however, this apology might not come through for a month or so.

Maybe I'll give this a chance. After all, it doesn't seem so bad now that I'm actually reading it.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23
Eyup, just reading these bios already makes me strongly dislike these characters.

The Tenno are first and foremost compassionate; it's how they control Warframes in the first place. Labeling even some of them as cynical and relentless killers scrubs off the fact that they're millennia old space wizards dedicated to protecting the weak and innocent, as per their own schools and culture, and replaces it with... Well, children I guess. Which, yes, they kind of are, but then again, Tenno are complicated as hell. They're psychologically abused child soldiers who've endured mental trauma throughout their lives, and despite that, are still capable of sympathizing with what others would see as monsters.

This little intro killed off my interest almost immediately as that alone (at least in my opinion) does them a huge disservice.

Best of luck, but even though I was genuinely excited to finally find an MCU/Warframe crossover, I won't be reading this one.
Rc Jackson chapter 23 . 2/2
i love this so much... please keep up the excellent work
Rc Jackson chapter 22 . 2/2
im loving this...
Rc Jackson chapter 4 . 2/1
im guessing that was zenith ivara gave her?
USER182K chapter 23 . 1/15
grendel boutt E
G-inerder chapter 23 . 1/15
will we got a railjack here?
Kryn Womble chapter 23 . 1/14
Ayyyy! Welcome back! I’m curious, how is Thor: Ragnarok going to be handled in this? Is a Tenno going to join Thor on a tour of the Nine Realms for vacation/reconnaissance purposes or will Ragnarok mostly play out as it did in canon?
RushoBinnabi19 chapter 23 . 1/14
Hello. WIll the speedster frame Gauss be in the story?

- Rusho
FriggleBerry chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
Why is it so hard to find fics where someone is teleported into another universe alone not with enough backup to fight a literal army it’s such a pain. So many stories that sound good are always big groups of characters and it makes it so boring to read cause it is always the same exact fic. Build their own faction and follow canon change a bit of it here and there and then done it’s boring
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