Reviews for A Chorus of Flame and Snow
silverrain-shiningsun chapter 2 . 11/27/2019
Buggery means anal intercourse, just so you know. No children being conceived that way.
ArtimuosJackson chapter 5 . 4/29/2019
Ned Stark is either stupid or hate his daughter to send her to the wall.
ObeliskX chapter 9 . 4/21/2019
Interesting. Made sense Daeron eventually rebelled and showed some of his family traits. Although he is a lot more reasonable than the rest of them, of course
And slowly establishing relationships certainly wont hurt
ObeliskX chapter 8 . 1/21/2019
Interesting chapter. Action and touching moment (with rat and with Mince). At least now Daerons position, though sort of cage, looks better... but he has yet to learn to get better with people and words
Guest chapter 5 . 6/25/2018
Eh I dont know, the bits you kept the same shouldnt have been kept the same realistically, the whole story just seems... off.
ObeliskX chapter 5 . 6/15/2018
Well, that was even darker than before. Drogo shown to be even nastier. And poor Visenya - such a past... despite being a bitch she definitely did not deserve all this mess. That said, despite Daerons newfound friendship (?), there seems to be no hope for siblings. Except dragon eggs...

While Snow doesnt have it nearly as bad, still she has hard time in such environment. No wonder
Lord Anubis Judge of the dead chapter 4 . 4/2/2018
Interesting story. And interesting changes.
Imperial Dragon chapter 3 . 1/9/2018
I would love to read more.
Nahtet52 chapter 3 . 12/7/2017
It's actually sad how weak you have made both daeron and jeyne, they are completely unlikeable characters because of it and these chapters are cringe worthy to read.
angie b chapter 2 . 12/7/2017
whoa...Sansa is a complete bitch just like her mother LOL. I am really enjoying the gender switch going on.
Bad Ass Female Fighter chapter 3 . 12/7/2017
Catelyn and Visenya are a couple of ruthless b*tches who have no right to nobility. Spiteful hags, though Visenya is much worse, hopefully she'll die in childbirth.
beserkerbeast chapter 2 . 11/25/2017
love to see more
lightwalnut64 chapter 2 . 11/16/2017
it'd make more sense for a female viserys to be named 'viserraafter a daughter of jaehaerys the conciliator) as jeyne is actually visenya, according to rhaegar at least. jeyne wanting to join the night's watch is ridiculous, hasn't she heard of danny flint?theon is a repulsive little shit and honestly, is ned stark blind? did he save lyanna's daughter to have her become some salt wife? people underestimated the 'poor ironborn' torn apart from his home and look where it got them all. anyway i kinda love it, daeron is adorable! lol (sansa and catelyn are bitches) please continue
SansaIsABitch chapter 2 . 11/15/2017
My name says I️t all
EggyBoi chapter 2 . 11/15/2017
Also im not against a female Jorah its a good twist/change, im just wondering if, A) Will they get intimate? Or will even female Jorah get friendzoned? And, B) Will there be a female Daario?
Its a fun thing about genderswap fics, is if characters will change or stay the same, because some do it right and others just change their gender and thats kind of defeats the purpose. Like i quite like your Visenya, because she has Jon wrapped around her little finger without having to needlessly abuse him, also she doesnt seem mad in this? I dont know if im just not picking up on the signs or its going to gradually hit like with Aerys, but im excited to see more Daeron/Visenya.
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