Reviews for What a night!
Loti-miko chapter 1 . 11/14/2017
I really did enjoy this fanfic. I was a little confused at first by the Dustin/Max relationship but I liked it! (I still like Lucas/Max a bit more, but both ships are adorable). Lol, the vodka bottle thingy was super fun, and I loved all the Mileven. The only thing that bothered me a little was at the end, when one of the characters asks Mike how are they even alive and he responds he doesn’t know, when El told him earlier that she had made the car stop. Other than that, i adored it and i kinda want a part 2! Keep up the awesome work!
phieillydinyia chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
Wow why was I laughing so much while reading this? xD
byzinha chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
what a crazy ride this oneshot was! I see you're a Max/Dustin stan and I understand the appeal, but I just love Lumax too much. now, you know what would be fun to read? the actual party, Dustin with his vodka haha they should've turn around to get her, that way they wouldn't be in the accident in the first place! anyway, fun to read this!