Reviews for Peace in your violence
Poetry chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
"Why did you let me take my frustration on you?"
"Why don't you defend yourself from me?"

Anyway, I can say you portray abusive relationship really well here. My sister was once in similar situation... abuse makes your mind twist, you start to think that they love you. And usually neither the victim or abuser don't see the abuse. This line alone here is a perfect example of victim blaming and emotional violence. Great work! Please continue writing!

"Arguments could be easily avoided when words weren't used. But it meant also that everything was remaining in status quo. Quietness was a temporary solution to an inevitable problem."

Honestly, this line breaks my hearth. :(
Poetry chapter 1 . 11/15/2017

I've found peace in your violence
And I had been quiet for too long
You are the darkness to my light
The hatred to my love

~~~~ poetry :) ~~~~
SapphireMoon4 chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
I love the song Silence so this was awesome :)

And I also love this fic. I love PruCan, but people tend to portray it wrong. Prussia is awesome, but he's broken inside. He and his country have suffered. Finally, I think his outbursts were realistic for him.

I like Matthew's portrayal here, too. Silence was the perfect song for him.

Nice job! :D
SapphireMoon4 chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
I love your fics, btw! Review to come in a sec (if it doesn't go through with this)