Reviews for Nourishment
Stephen chapter 4 . 6/30
Bronze chapter 4 . 4/18
I have to admit I was wrong when I wrote last chapter that this was story was done. I like the ending though I feel Fumblemort got off too damn lightly! He was the mastermind of the plot against Harry and Hermione and thus should've gotten a longer sentence. I am sorry for Ginny though the blame can once again be placed on Fumblemort. He knew she really needed a Mind Healer after her first year but told the family she was fine. It shows a total lack of concern for anyone but himself. I was expecting to read a little something about the twins in this but it didn't hurt that they weren't. It was very good to read that Harry had a wonderful family at the end of this. It's something that he seems to be denied in most stories. Though some do go a bit far. Read the Witches' Secret to see what I mean. It a good story but talk about a HUGE harem! Well, thanks for a wonderful short story.
Bronze chapter 3 . 4/18
I was expecting to read Susan and Hermione's bonding with Harry. But where you stopped leaves it up to the imagination what else went on during the night. It also leaves it up to the reader how much the house shook and what else might've happened. Now I've seen the title of the story Eros and Psyche before but with Draco being part of it I felt it might end up as a slash story. But yours interests me. The idea of making Harry and Hermione realize how much they really love each sound like fun.
Bronze chapter 2 . 4/18
I love the fact that you put Molly Weasley, MoooRon Weasley and the Great Fumblemort in jail. Now if you put them all in Azkaban for life I'll be even happier! I've felt for a long time that the meeting of Harry with the Weasley family was a set-up. How could a woman who attended that school for seven years, had two sons who did the same as well as three other sons who'd attended not remember the platform number or how to get on it? Then there's the problem of her walking around the Muggle side of the station all but shouting the platform number. Violation of the Statue of Secrecy much? And what about MoooRon saying to Harry every other car was full up? All that made me rethink the meeting with the Weasleys' at King Cross Station.
Bronze chapter 1 . 4/18
Thank you ever so much for the translation! I tried the text to speech one I have as well as one from the web and even Google translate and they ALL refused to fully translate your French.
Bronze chapter 4 . 2/9
No surprise there! I fully expected Fumblmort, MoooRon, Molly and poor Ginny to lose their freedom. Though I'd've liked it more if Fumblrmort was sentenced to a much longer stay at the Azkaban spa and resort. Say a few thousand years or so. Now I expected Hermione to have a couple of kids but I never thought she'd willingly turn into a baby factory! I am left with a couple of questions though. What happened to9 Mrs. Granger? What happened to Andromedas' husband? Once they threw Fudge out of office they should've poured Truth Potion down his throat to get the names of everyone who'd bribed him. I'll assume they did that to every single one of the Death Eaters they captured though. With Madam Bones as Minister of Magic, I'm certain that's how it happened. I'm half surprised you didn't go insane on the number of families that Harry's the head of with this. That usually goes hand in hand with a powerful Harry Potter story. I'm glad you didn't. I started this because it was only 4 chapters and figured it'd be quick. Well, it was quick but very entertaining nonetheless. So thank you for that.
Bronze chapter 3 . 2/8
If Harry and Hermione just kissing was enough to lift the house then they'd better do something to chain it down now that Susan has joined them in the bedroom! You've answered part of my question about Hermiones' parents somewhat. Her father in this sounds like someone she'll be glad to get away from. But where's her mother? Now about this Eros and Psyche. From the preview, it doesn't seem like one I'll read. It just doesn't grab me. However, this one does!
Bronze chapter 2 . 2/8
Well, I'm not the least bit surprised by the arrest of Fumblemort, Molly and MoooRon. I've suspected for some time now that the meeting of Harry with the Weasleys' was a total set-up. It just never made sense for Molly to be walking through Kings Cross Station all but yelling about Muggles and asking repeatedly for the platform number. There is, after all, something called the Statute of Secrecy for the protection of the magical world. So her doing that would qualify as breaking it. I really don't care who joins Harrys' family just as long as Ginny isn't one of them. Are Hermiones' parents still alive in this and still in the country or has she shipped them off to Australia? Is this gonna be another of those fics where Harry kills Vulturesnot by having sex with a bunch of ladies? I've read a few that almost had me falling out of my chair laughing. One of my favorites is where Harry's talked into joining a Home Economics Club. Draco told every Slytherin not to join so when a few defied him he spiked the soup with Nevilles' latest potions class failure. This resulted in the class having an orgy and killing Vulturesnot. And Draco being caught in a closet with his bodyguards by McGonagall. Crab or Goyle asked for another breath mint and gave them away. Need I say more about that?
Bronze chapter 1 . 2/8
I tried several different apps to translate the French in this chapter but at certain sentences refused to translate! So I thank you for adding it to the bottom of the page. I really have to wonder why Poppy didn't expect something like this? It's Harry Potter after all! His life is ruled by Murphy's Law! Anything that can go wrong will go wrong in direct but opposite proportion to its' need to be right! That, by the way, is the entire quote of that rule. I still have the poster with ALL of Murphys' laws on it. I have it but that doesn't mean I can lay my hands on at this moment though. I'm so enjoying this short story! It's so damn funny! I like the idea of Andromeda Tonks being a cutthroat lawyer! I've read her as just about every job except for working in the Ministry for Corruption and Dirty Deals.
ChiDead chapter 4 . 1/13
Dat was wonderful.
BillBrink chapter 4 . 9/3/2019
Thank you for a very enjoyable work. It was fun.
Khatix chapter 4 . 5/17/2019
I always felt that Harry being a DADA professor made more sense than being an Auror. After spending 7 years fighting/dealing with a Dark Lord & minions plus all the crap the ministry put him thru, him then going to work for the ministry and keep going after criminals after his childhood made little sense.
steve.moore.9081323 chapter 4 . 4/17/2019
Really enjoyed the story thank you for sharing
dennisdaugherty1962 chapter 4 . 3/24/2019
I love this story very much
EdTheBeast chapter 4 . 3/23/2019
This is a fantastic AU story for all Harry Potter fans. Enjoy!
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