Reviews for Christmas in Freezenberg
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11
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RoseySparrow chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
This is not my fandom, I’m only vaguely familiar with this show thanks to my daughter recently getting into it. But I love this short fic.
Your writing is evocative and I love the way you capture the friendship between Cedric and Sofia.
RavenishDove chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
Aww, this was so sweet. Cedric taking care of little Sofia is always great to read. I like your interpretation of Sofia’s parents’ romance. The part of her crying and Cedric just being like “Welp. Some people are like that.” He knows a thing or two about difficult families. I’d love to see a part II.
ILuvSexySpellcasters chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
I need more please!
Nicki Plague chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
How did I miss reviewing this? I like this and you honestly could see her as a wide variety of ages since it is just ambiguous enough. I would like to see more, but it is certainly not necessary.
I enjoyed this!
guest chapter 1 . 11/21/2017
It was interesting to see Cedric going from supportive in a gentle manner to furious when she was denied entrance. I 'd like to see how this meeting will go.
littlestrick chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
I pictured Sofia as a pre-teen; old enough for this meeting to be important and anxiety inducing, but young enough that she can still hold Cedric's hand without it being odd.
Cedric kind of losing his mind at the idea of Sofia being ignored was heartbreaking and perfect.
Based on the story of her parents, I have this distinct impression that Sofia's other family would only want to power grab through Sofia or something - why else would Roland forbid her meeting them?
I really love seeing Cedric in the role of guardian without any romantic feelings involved. Even though this has a certain dark edge to it, it definitely is fluffy, in my opinion.
This feels complete enough to stand alone, but I would be interested to see it expanded - maybe a three shot? Act two inside the manor, act three the fallout from the meeting rounding into a conclusion.
thestutz chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
I love chapter 1 it was great. Keep up the great work. You are a great author.