Reviews for The Marksman
Dear4Life chapter 1 . 11/25/2017
I too just got reading glasses. Can't read small print anymore.
But, contacts for Hei. Contacts. I wouldn't want his beautiful blue eyes hidden.
Jex - The Insane One chapter 1 . 11/21/2017
A nice little look into Hei's mindset. Another thought though, his power manifests as electricity which would be very dangerous with live rounds, unintended ignition. I imagine he's skilled enough not to worry in the day to day but his power would not mix well. Something to work around it would be pretty specialized. Just another reason he might not have improved after South America.

As for his sight... I know how he feels. I let my vision degrade over two or three years without really acknowledging it. When I finally did get glasses I had practically forgotten just how well a person can see.
Thanks for the great stories.