Reviews for In the Footprints of Father Time
Curse Of Kings chapter 17 . 7/24
I'm disappointed that the Renegade isn't a little girl. Badass little girls are awesome.
Curse Of Kings chapter 19 . 7/24
Why was this cancelled?
AJR3333 chapter 4 . 10/26/2019
For those who came just to read the review section, ignore Shadow Fuhrer 2019's spam. He's just a random, drunk hobo that stumbled his way into the review section and threw up on the floor.

Don't worry, he's already been escorted out and his mess should be cleaned up at some point (hopefully soon).

Anyways, just read the story and form your own thoughts from the actual content and NOT the review section, please. It's a damn good story.
AJR3333 chapter 3 . 10/15/2019
Though this isn't first time it's been done, this is probably the most legit way to keep Ur alive. At first I thought Ultear was just going to learn high tier Time spells, but, it seems she has enough power in reserves to summon a FUCKING DEMON. That's badass.

I'm glad this path was taken with this outcome. In my opinion, the Galuna Island arc was probably the most pointless and idiotic arc. Now we don't have to deal with that arc.
AJR3333 chapter 2 . 10/6/2019
I like how you've portrayed Ultear. With all of the torture she suffered and her acceptance of it in pursuit of strength, she's grown more "mentally" than any child really should have.

It shows in the way she more "articulated' compared to the other characters (even those two burly northern men). The scene when those guys were blown away by her vocabulary got a chuckle out of me.
TurboWolf chapter 19 . 9/28/2019
This "Pergrande Pit Fight" seems a bloody spectacle, but if Natsu's proficiency at tossing the Black Hawk into walls demonstrated in this chapter is anything to go off of, Natsu may have something to capitalize on. Then again, Ravenlord is a crafty one.

I'm also surprised that the PPP isn't illegal, being used for executions and whatnot, so at the very least there'll be a protest, if I'm reading the Industrialized state of society in Footprints of Father Time right. However, if you're dealing with an Ancién Régime, I doubt any such activity will occur.
AJR3333 chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
The way Father Time speaks cryptically is badass.

It's almost kinda sexy... hmm...

Imma take some notes!
FlamingSkyDragon chapter 19 . 9/17/2019
Saw the videos you recommended, they were pretty interesting, thanks for that. So far, all you've been doing is, to put it in your words "building heat". And I understand you wanna make a big "Pop" moment, but going through 19 chapters of heat building is kinda getting to me, personally. Though I'm still looking forward to the next chapter.
FlamingSkyDragon chapter 18 . 5/15/2019
Daaaang, and here I was hoping Natsu could pull SOMETHING off. He just keeps getting beat around. Well, not that it's unrealistic I guess. He's gonna start needing to think about his next moves, but he can't do that if he can't even handle his current moves, if that makes sense. And I see Ultear and Lisanna are waiting for Natsu to actually get interested in women, that's a fair strategy. Seeing as how Natsu was actually trying back there.
Also, I'm enjoying how you're depicting the fights here, with a mix of announcer commentary, it's definitely more engaging.
Astral chronicles chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
This story seems really interesting and it's magnificently written. I can't wait to see where will you take it.
TurboWolf chapter 18 . 5/14/2019
Dang it.
Why must you do this to me?
TurboWolf chapter 17 . 2/27/2019
Dammit, Ikrani, I want answers! What did Gildarts do to Natsu!? You wouldn't dare sink the S.S. NaLi and S.S. NaTear in one stroke, would you?
Would you?
Please no, please no. Please say no, you twisted mastermind!
And why the the cliffhanger!? Grrrr!
But now I'm gonna go listen to Hulk Hogan's theme song to get over this attempted(proszę?) tragedy.
"I am the real American, fight for the rights of every man..."

FlamingSkyDragon chapter 17 . 2/27/2019
Oof, that's GOTTA hurt for Ultear. I've always thought that Natsu would be too uninterested for relationships, and you just totally played by that. I'm super interested in how you're gonna make it so that Natsu finally DOES get interested, if he ever does at all. Honestly for me, reading about grappling and bumps and stuff is kinda hard to imagine. I mean, I get that you're trying to describe the action as much as you can, but it just feels so painfully slow. At least, for me.
Anywho, can't wait to read your next chapter.
FlamingSkyDragon chapter 16 . 1/7/2019
I really like your writing style, it's goddamn hilarious. But what irks me when reading this story is how Natsu just doesn't seem to be capable of winning his battles. Like, Lisanna and Ultear like Natsu because they can dominate him mentally and physically(Well, only Ultear I guess for the physical part). Like, I don't wanna see him rekt shit all the time. But it surprises me how little he's improved, or at least what can be seen. His opponents just happen to be leagues above him, and he doesn't get frustrated? Like, I think he would take his anger out on training to get stronger, I'm sure he's not THAT dumb to rush into a pointless fight(fights in the guild don't count because the consequences are irrelevant). Anywho, that's my 2 cents on this story. I look forward to reading more. This Omake was pretty funny, although I was hoping for more development.
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