Reviews for The Long Road Ahead
BugBelt chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
How is Tyrone a troll? He said he liked the story and actually wants to see more apparently. If anything I felt Alex was developed insanely poorly. The abuse he suffers is mentioned in passing, written in the form of a summary of the events. Kinda breaks the rule of show don't tell.
Every thing in this story feels extremely rushed and makes it hard to feel anything. Why should i feel bad about Alex being separated from his sisters if they don't even appear or have any lines of dialogue?
Honestly this intro chapter is really sloppy and needs to be tightened up in terms of character development.
As it is I don't really care about Alex because of just how extreme he is. The guy literally pulls teeth out of people's mouths before scalping them with his bare hands.
It's not subtle in the slightest. If the author wants Alex to be sympathetic that's fine but the way Its handle just hurts the whole thing.
TheNarratorofthemultiverse chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
Ignoring the obvious troll below this review, I liked how you set up this character. Many people who go through abuse during a young age either become extremely fragile or antisocial like this kid. His extreme disdain for people is well earned because of his deep feelings of betrayal and abandonment from his mother and the world. So he lashes out in the only way he knows how, the way his step father taught him, violence.

Please, continue this story, I look forward to the next chapter.
Tyrone Biggums chapter 1 . 6/21/2018
This story has one of the most realistic and tragic depictions of a queer main character i have ever seen on this website. The way Alex lashes out violently at those around him as a rejection of his own sexuality is downright heartbreaking.
Alex was rejected by society so he rejects society back. He projects his pain on others as his family did to him and to call out for help in a world that shuns him.
Alex is hurt and confused as even he doesn't understand his own feelings towards other men and all these emotions just combine into a storm of hatred and violence that cause him to resent himself and his fellow man.
But there's hope. Hope that Alex can accept himself for who he is. Maybe that hopes name is Tskune. Maybe they meet and fall in love, brokeback mountain style. Maybe Alex learns how much he loves performing fellatio and having the gay sex with Tskune.
Please continue this story, i need to see if Alex finally lets go of his hatred and lets Tskune's love and penis fill the hole in his heart.
- best regards,
Tyrone Biggums
Dark 7 Thunder chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
It's good so far. Feel like there should be more to his past with how violent he is, of course, I don't know much about these type of people (I know I could have said that better but I'm leaving soon and you get the point).
Fearnier Fiendfire chapter 1 . 12/11/2017
Seems good enough. Please write more.
Thunderwolf7226 chapter 1 . 12/1/2017
This was nice. I liked it.