Reviews for The Mystery of Sean Moore's Death
N3GatorFan chapter 7 . 12/18/2018
I love this chapter!

Wow! A lot of things happen pretty quickly here. It looks as though Marshall Phillips is right in the operation being quite a large one. Judging from Frederickson and Jo's very intense confrontation, I doubt he committed many murders. I'm glad that Jo thinks twice about demanding Phillips to tell her everything. As a result, she is able to bring justice to Janeisha Trent as well as helping Sean take down the ring. Talk about your multi-agency investigations, though! It is sad that Lt. Reece's friend gets caught up in the crimes because of her son.

I love the parallels between Sean hiding his blocked coronary arteries and Henry hiding his immortality from Jo. Both men hide their secrets because they are hesitant about Jo's reaction to them. I like to believe that Jo would have tried to make the most out of her and Sean's remaining time together had he told her. Fortunately, she doesn't have to with Henry as he intends to give her everything she desires for however many years that they have together. Their time at the Dickens Fair, getting lost in Henry's memories, is a perfect ending.

Again, great chapter and great story! I really enjoyed reading it!
Guest chapter 6 . 12/7/2018
Love the story hope you’re gonna had more chapters soon. happy Christmas holidays
Lena chapter 6 . 8/11/2018
Wonderful! So happy that we got a new chapter, thank you very much!
N3GatorFan chapter 6 . 8/9/2018
I love this chapter!

I really enjoyed reading this chapter! I'm glad that Jo finally remembers what set off her intuition about Fredrickson. He reminds me of a few people in real-life. I love how you made Sean a Navy JAG lawyer. She seems to have a thing for men in uniform, doesn't she? :D Please pardon me for momentarily crossing Sean's backstory over with the show JAG; I'm still trying to place him in either London or San Diego. I hope that Fredrickson doesn't realize Phillips has flipped and will try to do something to him before Mike questions him again, and I hope that he Jo isn't dismissing Henry's concerns for her safety.

I also love the Jenry shipping here! I'm glad that Jo is starting to wake up to Henry's interest in her. I'm not sure who's worse in the shipping department-Abe, who has a vested interest in his father's happiness, or Mike, with his sarcasm! I can imagine Henry's excitement and glee at being able to join Jo for dinner at her place, and I have to wonder what else will happen while they're together!

Again, great chapter! I'm looking forward to reading the next one!
Lena chapter 5 . 8/6/2018
This is a great story! Hoping that you'll be continuing it. Thanks a lot for sharing.
winthjo chapter 5 . 7/30/2018
Very good so far, hope you can continue this soon.
OrangeWolf4 chapter 5 . 6/16/2018
I really love this story! Kudos
N3GatorFan chapter 5 . 6/2/2018
I'm sorry that I'm late reviewing this chapter!

I love this chapter!

I really enjoyed reading this chapter! I really like how you depict Jo and Janie as more adopted sisters than tentative in-laws. I'm really glad that Janie is able to give Jo some more information about the hours before Sean's death. And I'm also glad that their conversation jogs Jo's memory of her and Sean's argument. "Give that Henry guy a chance because he looks interesting." :D It sounds like Janie is trying to set her sister (-in-law) up!

I also enjoy Mike and Cedric interacting with each other. Somehow, I would like to see Cedric again; he's a good fit with the team. (It might be just me, though. xD) We finally have the information from the disc, and it does not look good...for Fredrickson or his colleagues in the federal government. I also have to wonder whose voices are on the other end of Janie's voicemail. Also, something tells me that Sean would approve of the team handling the case when Jo cannot.

Again, great chapter! I'm looking forward to reading the next one!
Excalibur98 chapter 5 . 5/31/2018
Thanks for this amazing chapter!
N3GatorFan chapter 4 . 5/11/2018
I love this chapter!

I really enjoyed reading this chapter! I do NOT like Fredrickson invading the NYPD and trying to make Jo's desk his own. I like that the entire NYPD will defend one of their own from the FBI and that Mike and Lt. Reece will lead the charge. (It's only natural; in a way, she's family to them.) Abe is a bit of a rascal, isn't he? xD Henry's right, though. They need to close this case, let Jo bury Sean again, and let her grieve before she can start thinking about a relationship again...especially one with a certain ME.

The case is getting more interesting. I have to wonder what the tech will find and who he will give the information to. With three deaths tied to the DA's office and Fredrickson's increasingly aggressive behavior, I wonder how long it will take the team to connect the dots. I also wonder what Janie has to tell Jo.

Again, great chapter! I'm looking forward to reading the next one!
winthjo chapter 3 . 4/20/2018
Very good so far. Hope you can continue this soon.
N3GatorFan chapter 3 . 3/31/2018
I love this chapter!

I really enjoyed reading this chapter! Nice way to interrupt a date, and especially one that is not going well! I burst into laughter when Jo and Fredrickson arrive at her house and catch Henry and Lucas in the cruiser. I could imagine Henry's "I can explain" face as he and Lucas wave to Jo. Henry and Lucas, however, have good intentions for breaking into Jo's house...intentions that could lead to him being killed or Jo being injured. Hopefully, someone they trust can decode the CD and uncover whatever evidence Sean had gathered on Fredrickson.

Can Henry and Jo be any more obvious in their interest in each other? xD :D Every one of her actions during his latest arrest and their thoughts during their sweep of her room lead perfectly into the near-kiss. When will these two finally admit that they are in love with each other?!

Again, great chapter! I'm looking forward to reading the next one!
ProbableImpossibilities chapter 2 . 1/8/2018
This story has been a great read so far! I always kind of theorized that the original show would eventually reveal that Sean Moore's death was at least slightly suspicious, so it's nice to see that idea playing out here. I'm liking the intrigue you've set up with Fredrickson and his mysterious contact, and Henry finally confronting his feelings about Jo while a conspiracy's unraveling around him is a fantastic plot that seems very much in the spirit of the original. The characterization is well-done, too, and I love the touches of humor; obviously we don't like Fredrickson, but his description of Henry's "frou-frou" scarves had me laughing like crazy. I'll be eagerly awaiting your next update!
N3GatorFan chapter 2 . 1/3/2018
I love this chapter!

I really enjoyed reading this chapter! You do not know how relieved I am when it comes to Henry and Jo's relationship! I am glad that Jo is trying to get Frederickson to share what he knows about Sean's death. I am also happy that Henry comes to realize Jo's true intentions and feelings for him. Feelings that are starting to grow as she's out with the agent. Now it is just a matter of getting them up to the surface...and for Henry to show Frederickson that Jo is his girl. (That, and his scarves are not frou-frou!)

As for the case, it is getting more intriguing. I'm with Henry, Lucas, and Abe in thinking that Frederickson's actions are a cover-up for something more serious. Not to mention that Frederickson is playing Jo the same way that she is playing him. It makes me wonder exactly what Sean was doing in the days before his death, and I hope Jo will soon tell Henry, Lt. Reece, and Mike her suspicions.

Again, great chapter! I'm looking forward to reading the next one!
Ashazara chapter 2 . 1/2/2018
I am officially intrigued, can’t wait for the next update.
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