Reviews for Uncommon
Guest chapter 22 . 9/19
oh god! this was so funny. can't wait to know what will happens next, esp now that things are beginning to thaw between tom and Hermione.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19
I love this story. its amazing. the characterisations are spot on. the interactions between tom and Hermione are way too precious and intriguing.
I hope you update this story soon. I can believe that I discovered this just now. one of my fav now.
Convictforever chapter 18 . 8/21
i love this story soo much . please update soon. pretty please. i really wanna know about Tom's reaction to the stunt that Hermione just pulled off. have I mentioned that bite sized chapter are just perfecttttt.
smithback chapter 22 . 7/11
very very good
SectumSemprae chapter 22 . 7/7
I wonder if Tom will hear about Hermione hexing that girl. Knowing his ego, he'd probably think she did it because the girl said she would never marry him... But in reality, Hermione hexed her for calling her the M word.

(I love that Hermione hexed her and I want to see her hex more people.)
Shimotsuki Hoozuki chapter 22 . 7/7
Omg, I think this was the most funny chapter so far. I imagined it just like Hermione did and it was hilarious. I really love these bite sized chapters that are so much on point and set such a great atmosphere despite not being so long. It's great. I'm looking forward to the next chapters.
Convictforever chapter 22 . 7/7
thank you for the update! this move by Hermione will have tongues wagging. Will Tom be intrigued enough by it all to sneak a peek inside the girl's mind and witness what led to ger baldness? damn, I want to hear his inner thoughts about the idea of him marrying Hermione and her blatant wish not to. it would be so hilarious.
anyway, I really don't want to jinx these regular updates, but damn, I love this story way too much:)
Convictforever chapter 21 . 7/5
YASSSSSS, thank you so much ! I loved this chapter, especially how Tom's antics kinda backfired on him. Please do keep posting more, I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to read your story in the midst of all the heavy angst-filled Tomione stories.
FALLING-ANGEL24 chapter 20 . 7/1
I love this story so so much! The bite sized chapters are so cleverly written! Its been so long that I actually Went back to reread the whole all over again ️
Convictforever chapter 20 . 6/30
yes, yes , yes ! and 3 chapters at once ! love this fanfic. I am so glad that their dynamic has started to change even if its by a little. cant wait for the next chapters, please update soon :)
yasmina chapter 17 . 11/26/2019
uhm, where is the rest? 3
Guest chapter 17 . 10/30/2019
Dropped everything I was doing to read your update. It’s been too long. Loved it. Please do continue with this story.
riptiderobin21 chapter 17 . 10/30/2019
I love Hermione fixing her hair self-consciously, under Tom's gaze!
FALLING-ANGEL24 chapter 16 . 9/29/2019
Super awesome drabble fic!
riptiderobin21 chapter 16 . 8/8/2019
Ooh love it when Tom and Hermione argue.
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