Reviews for Once Upon A December
Guest chapter 2 . 7/16
T-T Yuriooo
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16
Oh shit
HermioneGirl96 chapter 13 . 12/25/2017
I'm glad JJ and Isabella got back together. Your JJ deserves to be happy.
Anime-Princess-Sofia chapter 11 . 12/21/2017
̶P̶o̶l̶y̶a̶m̶o̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶o̶p̶t̶i̶o̶n̶
HermioneGirl96 chapter 11 . 12/21/2017
I like your JJ a lot.
HermioneGirl96 chapter 10 . 12/19/2017
I do really appreciate the fanon that Yuuri is an awesome friend to Yuri. I want to know what happens next!
HermioneGirl96 chapter 9 . 12/17/2017
Oh man! I wasn't expecting Otabek to just blurt it out like that. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
HermioneGirl96 chapter 7 . 12/13/2017
I don't even know what to feel at this point.
HermioneGirl96 chapter 6 . 12/11/2017
I see how we got to this point, but noooooooooo.
Erzatscarlett chapter 5 . 12/9/2017
Hi I’m liking this story so far even though I’m more of a Otayuri shipper. It’s nice to see JJ in a nicer POV. The story is getting interesting that’s for sure with a triangle starting between Otabek x Yurio x JJ
HermioneGirl96 chapter 5 . 12/9/2017
I'm happy for Yuri but heartbroken for Otabek.
HermioneGirl96 chapter 4 . 12/7/2017
Well, JJ showed up and I didn't break anything. I even kind of understand the attraction, especially since JJ has had time to mature. Still, I ship Otayuri pretty hard and I hope they're endgame!
HermioneGirl96 chapter 3 . 12/5/2017
I'm intrigued. I will probably break something if JJ shows up, though.