Reviews for Valentine's Dance
MikeyMoo23 chapter 1 . 2/10/2018
THIS was so cute, I loved it
Wootar16 chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
This really was so sweet it made my teeth hurt so amazing job with the prompt. I don't watch the show so the context was a bit weird but I really liked it anyway, it was super cute. I'm not going to lie the fact that he calls he El reminded me of our old RPs so it was extra super cute and fluffy in that sense. The fact that she wants waffles makes me oddly happy, I'm not sure why I feel like it's unique to the character and so finding a way to work that into a story, especially a short one, isn't always easy but you did it perfectly with this one. I really am excited to see what other sorts of things you write. You're writing has always been so good and amusing. :)