Reviews for Inhuman
Guest chapter 44 . 5/25
Are they finally gonna have sex?
Red-Hag chapter 44 . 5/11
This trilogy of yours is my favorite of all the stories i had the pleasure to read on alien/predator ! I'm spreading it to my friends ! I really really really love your writing style !
Echo Guillotte chapter 44 . 12/28/2019
Red-Hag chapter 14 . 8/23/2019
OK! So, THIS chapter made my heart break ...FINALLY! since the first chapter of this sorty there was a change! The story before was about her finding her place, and this one, is about him and his path ! You had very cleverly prepared us for this . Since the begining of this story there is a change, in the atmosphere around him, the cold planet is in my opinion, just a parallel to the cold that's spreading in his heart of fire. The tension of his grief and fear you instilled since the start (since the moment he decide to bring her with him in space) was slowly but surely growing and festering (you wrote it sooooo well) and here and now it culminate and it's breaking my heart but i said to myself: "at last! finally! it was suffocating!"

This Yautja appears strong, noble, free, and now fragile and breaking! Yautjas would hate your character i guess seeing him as weak, but we humans know better. Again, like Hannah, he has to face what he is, what he feels, accept it all and find strengh in all that!

You're a pro ! I want to read this story to the end...i will be patient to see it! but i want to read your original stories too! please tell us (PM or not) when you're published, i will find your books and buy it with great pleasure!
7paws chapter 44 . 6/13/2019
I would very much like to see Hannah and Jar-Hidda's adventures published. I think this story definitely deserves the attention and I have no doubt it would be great for the author herself to be recognized as well. Anything AVP related or not, that which you write deserves recognition for you are an outstanding writer.

However, published or not, this will remain one of my favorite Predator fanfictions. Goodness knows we need more Predator fanfic writers like you. Hannah and Jar-Hidda are rare complex and three-dimensional characters that you don't often see in a fanfiction let alone some published stories even. Your gift for storytelling is marvelous in itself and combined with your drive to establish yourself as an author, I truly hope you achieve your dream/s. For these 3 books certainly prove you can.

Thank you for an amazing journey- for your devotion to the series, your incredible imagination and writing skills. My best wishes towards your future endeavors.

~ Grasmosil Tigspa
Guest chapter 44 . 3/12/2019
I have been an avid follower of this story for so long and just recently remembered by opening up a computer i haven’t used in months that I was halfway through the second book. It took my a day to finish that and then eat this. I LOVE this series and am so grateful to you for making it. It’s a beautiful story and so much happened! I hope you become an established author because i can’t wait to read what you have next. Awesome. Thank you so much! I loved this so much.
Dragonfly79 chapter 44 . 2/8/2019
Thank you for giving us this amazing story.

One of the best if not the best AvP story.

I said it before your work is way better than the latest crap called The Predator.

I wish you all the success.
LunaticaValencia chapter 44 . 2/6/2019
It is painful to know that I finish, but gratifying as it was, I congratulate you for your great creativity and for these years that you gave us with your story, because I discovered it in 2016 by chance and it is lit from that moment, I really hope that fortune I smiled at you I send you greetings from Mexico, that your future expectations are met
FantasyReader2 chapter 44 . 2/2/2019
I wish you well in your journey and look forward to reading more of your work in future.
The Queen of dragons chapter 44 . 1/30/2019
All I can say is
"Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it."

Also, good luck. I'm rooting for you!
Unsung and Forgotten chapter 44 . 1/29/2019
Omg, this story was amazing! The world building, character development, plot and everything! I love how far these two have come and while it saddens me to see its all over, I am so happy both are alive and well, ready for their own adventures once more.

Thank you so much, A.S. Gemar! Best wishes in all your future endevours! :D
Cityhunterluv chapter 44 . 1/28/2019
You are the reason I joined ff. For a while I simply just read, but when I first read Cold Hands, even from the first chapter I knew in my heart it was going to be a story that was going to make a difference in my life. Indeed your writing has inspired me and brought me comfort.
I simply cannot put into words the importance of what you have done for me and many other people here, I’m so very grateful and will cherish every word you have written. I’m so bad with trying to convey what I mean, but what you have done for us is magic. You have so much talent and skill in your craft, because it’s possible. What I’m trying to say is when I read what you write I see it, it doesn’t seem far fetched or impossible. That’s what makes it so good, it allows my mind to wander, and it’s so genuine.
You write from experience and blend it flawlessly with something I love so very much, and it’s perfection. We all love the movies and I personally find them satisfying beyond belief, but when a goddess like yourself takes it and turns it into something that I can believe in, and see, it just does my soul good.
This series has been a huge part of my life for five years, and now that it’s come to a close I can happily go back to the beginning and start all over again with cold hands.
You’ve given so much of yourself to us and you deserve to pursue what makes you happy. I just want you to know that I’m grateful, and I really wish I could express myself better, but you know I’m simple sometimes and want to say a million things at once.
I hope you find someone who will take a chance and give you a chance, because you’re worth it.
I’m proud of H&J...they are now part of a clan, a fitting end to an era for them. They needed this, you have taken them to hell and back and then some! I enjoyed seeing them this way, it makes the little crack in my heart from the end of the series a little less painful;)
This wasn’t a proper review because at this point you have it down to a science and I always devour every word.
Thank you, I wish with all my heart that the whole world gets lucky enough to have their minds taken places by your books.
Alumys chapter 44 . 1/28/2019
As I have previously said( T_T) bitter sweet, and why does somebody have to be already published to have something published? Any way I am happy that you have completed the series and I can't wait to see what you will concoct next.
Lots of love your truly hopeful fan hoping for you to get published soon.
P.S I shall faithfully stalk you ;P
Biku-sensei-sez-meow chapter 44 . 1/28/2019
This was just beautiful! I am so happy for them, and also so depressed that it's over, but I really believe this can be something more than just fanfiction. This is art, pure and simple. Beautiful, original, spectacular art, and I don't care how you do it, but this thing has to be big! Please link your website when you get it made, and keep following this path, because you've got some talent! It was a hell of ride! Meow!
Tenfangirl chapter 44 . 1/28/2019
This has been a most wonderful journey with these two incredible heroes - many thanks to you for allowing us to join them. xXx
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