Reviews for Technician's Order!
Beta117 chapter 20 . 22h
I made a video out of my specifically for you. Please watch it. I got a copyright claim the first time I uploaded it and I disputed the claim and now I have a copyright strike. It’s called “The realty marbles of Shirou Emiya.” The part That got copyrighted was cut from it but it was basically just the oath under snow reality marble.
Beta117 chapter 19 . 8/12
Firstly I want you to know I absolutely love the story. With that said... SHIROUS REALITY MARBLE DOES NOT HAVE GEARS! THATS EXCLUSIVELY ARCHER! I don’t understand why everyone (not really everyone but a lot of people.) who writes fate stay night stories get this one detail about shirous reality marble wrong.
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 22 . 8/5
KPmine1 chapter 22 . 7/28
Rodenmar chapter 14 . 7/28
What's the point of putting Shirou in Grand Order if he's going to be useless? He's more of a detriment at this point. Him being there is just going to make people paranoid.

There's no point of a crossover if his presence isn't going to make a lick of change in canon storyline.

The only interesting part of him being in Chaldea is his investigation in finding the saboteur. He can't be a reliable source of information because this is not the fifth war he is used to and him being stubborn and insisting everyone that 'Saber wouldn't do that' is starting to be annoying.

You're undermining Ritsuka for no real reason. He's not as useless the way you made him to be.

Isn't fanfiction supposed to be a 'what if' story?

I'm up thirteen chapters and yet Shirou's biggest contribution as of yet is fixing a damn generator. Give him something significant to do, something that only someone like him can do that other surviving magus can't. Leave maintenance to other people, Chaldea was fixed in canon even without needing his help with structural grasping. He doesn't need to fight but he need to do something to justify him being there.
mupeter chapter 22 . 7/24
I'm not really a fan of Da Vinci referring to themselves as male in their internal monologue, but it's never really addressed in the text one way or the other so whatever. I do prefer the idea of Shirou being mostly relegated to support, especially since, what many people don't really seem to appreciate, being on the support staff while also being a Master means that he can still help wrangle the various Servants, while him accompanying the protagonist feels like he'll just inevitably steal the show because Chaldea will only become more and more effective at supporting him and he'll just keep gaining more noble phantasms and abilities he can trace to become increasingly bullshit. Though either way, I do hope that they realize that humanity has been incinerated sooner rather than later.

I'm also interested in seeing where things go with Olga, since judging by part II it seems like she inadvertently hit the nail on the head with being a Threat to Humanity, as well as possibly the reason that Lev didn't kill himself like he does in all timelines where Chaldeas doesn't exist.
M2R chapter 22 . 7/21
MetalBatt chapter 22 . 7/20
Huh, I don't think I've ever read a fic where there are two routes or more routes to a story. And I don't mean it in a canonical sense, but in the way you have decided to split up your story. It's sounds like hard work, especially since you're now creating two different paths with different dialogues and scenarios. That said, I'm following the false route! I'm trying to see Shirou throw some damn hands! I'm sorry, but the support route got me shleep. And the master route has so many possibilities that it would be weird to no be interested in that path! So false route here we go :D!
MetalBatt chapter 15 . 7/20
YO. Shirou revealed to be a sleeper agent got me SHOOKETH... And now that I understand the reason for him being put in the background, I ain't complaining anymore. Makes a lot of sense, and was probably the best way for him to even save Olga in the end. And I also gotta mention this. Olga has pretty much become a temporary Zanpakuto spirit, and I fuck with it lmao.
MetalBatt chapter 12 . 7/19
Oh man, I seriously thought that Shirou was about to be deployed and get shit done, but then reality came crashing down. It's like that one meme, "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie". Also, is this story only following the first singularity, and then end of story? That AN sounded like it.
ThatTallGuy chapter 22 . 7/19
To be truthful I'd think Shiro staying a techie would be a bad idea, a very bad one. He has been fought in a grail war and showed he was able to be highly useful on the field when he saved Olga's life. and there is the other factor that he is used to being around servants, something that Ritsuka is at this point lacking which would mean a possibly more important asset that is wasted when there is still a whole team of technicians still able to fix and maintain the base.

It also clashes with Shiro's personality, we saw who he was chaffing at the bit to help the others when they were first stuck. it would not surprise anyone if you had to write him out of that role of a a techie in the future because of that fact alone as it could lead to a bottleneck, Shiro still has his goal to get to Saber, a goal that could be close to it's conclusion and if something happened that stopped him from reaching that goal when he is that close he may just do his own thing.
MetalBatt chapter 10 . 7/19
Poor Roman. He's surrounded by a punch of Lames :/...
MetalBatt chapter 7 . 7/19
7 chaps in and my boy Shirou is still being relegated to support duty smmfh... I hope he gets put into the field soon, because I'm tryna see some Shirou vs Servant action.
Orumon chapter 22 . 7/18
Did Leonardo remember to account for Avalon or did Shirou not tell them.
Raj8 chapter 22 . 7/15
Hmm well since we know it's a story we all know the False Route isn't going to kill Shirou.

So it looks like it was the right decision to make at least this time, although I can completely understand how the routes diverged the way they did. Still I think you should have created a separate chapter containing the first half and then the next two chapters with the divergence.

Skimming False route for where the changes start is more annoying.
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