Reviews for I'm a Profiler, Get Me out of Here!
Alexandra chapter 1 . 5/4
Thanks for this fantastic story, it was really fun to read. Definitely one of my favourites.
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 22 . 9/28/2019
Hi I loved your story, and I had loud laughs and cried a lot, beautiful the moment undercover father and son. Thanks
JohnLockSher chapter 22 . 7/15/2019
I love the story so much! but in the end, why did he run?
WishfulWriting chapter 22 . 10/12/2018
This was a great story. I recently got into Criminal Minds and was happy to see such a strong fanfic base. You’re a wonderful writer. I loved the depiction of Reid and how his relationship with Rossi evolved. Also love how they are all so protective of him.
Guest chapter 22 . 7/21/2018
I absolutely loved how you made spencer grow in this story give him another caring father and that father that needed a son more friends that loved him and pushed him to be himself great job and great story write another please
lilyflower101 chapter 22 . 3/15/2018
I'm glad that they remained relatively safe and that Spenser made up with Sydney and Robbie.
poxyTraitors chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
Nina chapter 22 . 1/31/2018
wow that end so fun and exciting at the same time love friendship with robbie and finally keep the friendship with Sidney was a great story and I can only say ... sequel sequel sequel please
Dextolan chapter 22 . 1/31/2018
Aw, what a great close to an awesome story! I can see why it was your most successful, you worked super hard on it so good for you!
Dextolan chapter 21 . 1/31/2018
That opening reminded me of Scooby Doo! ;D like when they’d pull the masks off and reveal their true identity.
And what a chapter! I loved the how the whole school were there for the reveal!
And Robbie and Reid’s little bit at the end.
fishtrek chapter 22 . 1/28/2018
This was great! I agree with other reviewers who want a sequel! Please think about it. Rossi and Reid, my favorite father son duo. Greatly thought out and written. Thanks!
sherryola chapter 22 . 1/28/2018
I can't believe it's finished! I loved it, really loved it. Love the confidence Spencer has gained, love his bond with Rossi. He knows he has a true mentor and friend, parental figure now. He has a place. He's not the awkward genius boy anymore. I love it all. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It's made me smile a lot.
TsukiyoTenshi chapter 22 . 1/28/2018
Well, this was a great ending to a great story! And just for clarification Reid was running because he had no desire to be reminded of his sudden 'hero status', correct? XD
tannerose5 chapter 22 . 1/28/2018
This was a great story. You should be proud of yourself writing it.
I look forward to your next one :)
ahowell1993 chapter 22 . 1/28/2018
I guess Spencer doesn't want to deal with a public ceremony to earn that medal. Will there be a sequel at all?
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