Reviews for Eleven's Story
Hollow Lives chapter 11 . 2/15
What a fantastic story - brilliantly written as always. Already can't wait to read it again when the time comes :)
Shrike176 chapter 11 . 11/23/2019
I am usually not a fan of this kind of re-telling, but you added in enough to make this a lot of fun.

Seeing Mr Clarke's reactions to finding out what had been going on right under his nose was especially captivating.

Though I will say Max's comment about Mr. Clark thinking Mike was making out with his cousin was the funniest part of the story.

Thanks for this.
MSerrada chapter 11 . 9/14/2019
Perfection is how I'd describe how you finished this particular story.

Your writing is just wonderful! I've been binging all of your stories and am so impressed.
Your ability to hit the emotional ranges is everything I'd ask for in a storyteller. You grasp how each of the characters act and sound, but also their interactions with each other, and find the words to share them with us.

I hope you'll find the words to bring more of these to life.
Thank you!
CandyBurst chapter 11 . 7/6/2019
Loved it. A perfect way for me to review season 1! I love the idea that they eventually tell Mr. Clarke the truth.
CalvinHobbesGatsby chapter 11 . 12/12/2018
This was an amazing story
SEEEEE chapter 11 . 9/2/2018
That was a great story! And what is her list?
Guest chapter 8 . 12/28/2017
I like how there's 11 chapters to this story. I'm not sure if that's intentional or not but I think it's perfect xD
deleteduserFormerlyMuffinstuff chapter 11 . 12/23/2017
:D I loved it! Also, "THE FOOD IS NOT GETTING ANY MORE EDIBLE" may or may not be my new favorite thing to say instead of "COME GET DINNER"
deleteduserFormerlyMuffinstuff chapter 9 . 12/23/2017
"Man, these aren't real nilla wafers"
-My senior yearbook quote-
deleteduserFormerlyMuffinstuff chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
LOLOLOL this is amazing
Lylex96 chapter 11 . 12/22/2017
I loved this a lot
John Horvath chapter 11 . 12/19/2017
That was a great story, but I'm still curious about something. What ever happened to the dead demodog? Did they save it to show Mr. Clarke and explain why they all freaked out about the little pollywog in the ghost trap?
John Horvath chapter 3 . 12/18/2017
Pretty good story so far. Presumably, they still have some evidence, the carcass of the dead demodog El flung through the window after snapping its neck. I'm sure Mr. Clarke remembers how excited Dustin was about the new species of terrestrial pollywog that wasn't ectothermic like most species that go through a pollywog stage. It would be easy enough to explain how discovering that it was actually growing up to become a man-eating monster stopped them from letting Dustin make his presentation that day when they all freaked out. He deserves to know the truth about how the original founder of the AV Club was killed by a pack of monsters at the lab instead of whatever bullshit story the lab people forced them to sign off on or the watered down one about the same "chemical weapon leak" the lab people were forced to acknowledge to explain how Barb died. Did they manage to sneak it out to store it somewhere besides the fridge before Joyce saw it and freaked out? Seeing one of those things again that killed Bob probably would have been enough to push her off the deep end. We wouldn't want to see Joyce's next decorating project being the padded walls of a room at Penhurst. LOL
H.E.Larkin chapter 11 . 12/16/2017
For some reason I didn’t get the email saying that you updated and had to wait until I actually checked this story to read the final chapter. Which sucks, because it was a great one.
After the heartbreak of chapter ten, it was great to read the Mileven reunion from Mike’s POV. And everything after that: Mr. Clarke realizing that it wasn’t just a story, him giving Troy and James detention like a badass, Eleven showing him the tattoo, the bike- it all reminded me why I miss your writing style. So to answer your question, it wasn’t just about the humor or the 3rd person perspective, it’s how you are ridiculously good at painting a scene and characterizing these characters. I had missed the little details like the way Hopper squinted through the smoke of his cigarette and the how Dustin joked about the kittens when he was making dinner. Those details might seem inconsequential, but they make your stories stand out from every other writer on this site.
Anyway, enough of me waxing poetic. I can’t wait for your next story!
denebtenoh chapter 11 . 12/15/2017
OMG it was so beautiful! Like I said before, everytime I think I have a favorite, you come up with something more awesome!
I loved Mr Clark in here, his struggle to believe, and the sweet way he approaches them, approaches her. And oh the gift! Ill have to reread this! Its so very good!
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