Reviews for Jewels
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2016
So this is lovestory of some diamond and pip? Not merrs and pip? Ugh. So nice it looked. Pity. Hope to find any good pip/merry anyways :)
LalaithElerrina chapter 30 . 10/17/2012
Hi! Dreamflower02 recommended this story. I love Hobbit Stories, especially ones with Merry and Pippin, and their sweeties, Estella, and Diamond. :)
Nienor Niniel chapter 53 . 9/28/2006
Aww... that ending is incredible. The right way for the two to go, somehow - together and with an adventure.

I'm glad that I read this fic now - it fills up quite a lot of details from your other fics.

You'll doubtlessly hear from me! Nienor
Endaewen chapter 53 . 9/18/2005
This was a beautiful story. Tense in the right places, sad in the right places, cheerful and funny as well.
SillverMedal chapter 53 . 12/20/2004
There's an interesting ending, right there! This was a GREAT story, and I loved every moment of it! You did an excellent job portraying Merry and Sam and Pippin and Frodo, and really nice work with Saradoc and Esmerelda. I love all your stories, and this is truly great! Five stars *!
brandy chapter 53 . 8/15/2004
What a beautiful tale. Poor Merry! All of the trials he went through in this story! His father dying, his father having a heart condition, Pippin getting sick, Pippin breaking his leg, his betrothed dying on their wedding eve, Frodo leaving, his miscarriage, the fire, he himself almost dying, the darkness he had to fight away every March! Oh my! And those are just the things I can think of off-hand [but I just absolutely *love* it! ;) ] Well, I am glad things in the end seemed better, with Merry's new son and him becoming Master, and him becoming somewhat stronger to fight the lasting darkness. And cheers for Pippin too, dealing with a difficult father. Excellent job! I am glad to have found this *Jewel* amongst hobbity fanfiction (hehe) and the rest of the collection of your fics, I am always so happy when I find a bunch of good tales written by a great author. Keep up the good work!
evila-elf chapter 53 . 6/22/2004
Finally got a chance to come back and finish this. Dang glad I did, though the last bit of the chapter confused the heck outta me...*goes to your author story page and looks at timeline*...ah, now it sorta makes sence. Woulda been better to have a X-amount of years later appear at the beginning. Gonna go take a look at the other stories you have up...eventually lol. Great story, and I am sad to have no more of it to read :(
evila-elf chapter 48 . 6/10/2004
One of the best chapters so far! Must go to bed onw. I know it is time for that when I spend more than 10 seconds staring at the work 'cook' and can only find it's meaning by reading the rest of the sentance :-/
evila-elf chapter 36 . 6/9/2004
Aw...bedtime again :( Will be back though :)
evila-elf chapter 22 . 6/8/2004
*cries, sniffs, and blows nose* So sad. Man, this has a lot of chapters. I will be back soon to start work on the rest of them. Really enjoying the story :)
evila-elf chapter 2 . 6/5/2004
Eep! SO wish to read more, but it is past my bedtime :( Will try to return later! Excellent first chapters!
Freya chapter 21 . 2/20/2004
*cries* First off- I'm a sucker for any story where Sam and Merry interact. The beauty in this one, where Sam treating Merry 'as carefully as he might have cared for his beloved Mr. Frodo'... Let's just say this is now not only one of my favorite Merry and Pippin stories, but my *all-time* favorite Sam and Merry tale.
Kat chapter 53 . 1/3/2004
That had to be one of the best stories I have ever read in my entire lifetime, and I am not merely gushing excited sentiments. You write magnificently, and the tale is so wonderful that you have told. I must admit though, I panicked when Merry first got engaged to Ruby, then ended up teary-eyed when he lost her, despite knowing that he would eventually marry Estella. Everything was well done and believeable, albeit sad as can be at parts, and it was a true joy to read your work, even if I was crying when Merry's father died.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/9/2003
One of my favorite chapters in the world. I love how you show Pip's age when he and Mer have their little debate. This piece so far was done without focusing on just two characters relationships; it had everything. I understand that must have taken quite a lot of energy. You pulled it off beautifully. I like that you put it bluntly: Frodo was DYING! Not in pain, but losing the fight against the Shadow; unable to walk in the light. It's interesting that we don't get to see exactly your take on what happened to him; we see it from Merry's point of view. It really demonstrates the surprise of Frodo's departure. Unlike some author's you show, don't say. I truly believe that to be important. Thank you so much! Reading this has made ME expand in my knowledge of writing and human/hobbit nature. Thanks again.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/9/2003
Mushroom puffs! YUM!:) I love the feeling of tension that this chapter builds up. I'm glad that we got to see a little bit of Frodo-fairly-unscathed but this was amazing as well. I love how Esmarelda and Saradoc seem that they'll miss him so much. Very touching.
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