Reviews for Black & White
Cashlin Snow chapter 1 . 5/2
This was such an excellent read. So well-written. I was so incredibly pleased to come across not just this piece, some then some of your other ones. You really expanded and pointed out struggles and emotions that invoked a lot of feelings for me. That's one of the hopes of any writer, so you succeed very well. I felt so distressed, hopeful, and sad for Shadow. Wonderful depth. Good that you weren't afraid to explore those dark places. Not to mention I got as much (or more) enjoyment reading your artistic writing than the story itself. I really do hope you'll write more.
SaltwaterJanuary chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
I still remember TP . It's still one of the most haunting (in a good way ) fics I've ever read.
Your stories seem so immersive and I love that about them.
The BionicFrog chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Always glad to have more of this story. xD Though your 200,000 word distraction is pretty great itself, definitely looking forward to the Memory actually happening. xD

Anyway, this story. Yeah, I didn't really imagine things were a whole lot better for Shadow than they were for her. That sounds like hell. I can't stand long boredom that I can't do anything about, and that's when I know it's just a matter of waiting a few hours. Endless nothing would be... ouch. Hard to even imagine.

Everything is so descriptive though. There really aren't much in the way of scenes, its almost kinda like a summary of the time, but its the most engaging and descriptive time summary ever. I need to learn how to do this kind of thing, it would really help in a few places in my story. xD

And... yeah. Poor Shadow. It's made both better and worse by knowing what happens next... xD