Reviews for Imprinted Masquerade
StarryKnight565 chapter 1 . 10/28/2018
Aww cute! The descriptions of the tattoos were very nicely done, and I feel strangly calm after reading this. Good job!
SpookyMormonHellDream chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
As we all know, I always dig the notion of Erik with tattoos, and you most certainly did the idea justice here! The descriptions of each one were lovely and made so much sense - the fact that they hid so much violence such as stab wounds and whips with stunning imagery was gorgeously tragic. Tying it all in to his deformity was a lovely touch, alongside Christine's devotion to Erik. Really, this little ficlet has left me with chills and Feels and love and oh my Lord, just a wonderful story altogether!
Wheel of Fish chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
OK, I neeeeeed someone to draw this. I would also love to know the backstory behind Erik's choice in tattoos. And omg, that bit about Christine tracing the constellations and him breathing their names - it's so strangely intimate and I love it and I would 100 percent recommend that you write an M-rated fic featuring this exchange please and thank you.
sarahandmarquis chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
Oh my goodness. That was so sweet and touching. I'd never thought of that idea before but I love it. I'm nearly crying right now (happy tears)
AliceHeart247 chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Sweet and tragic at the same time. I loved it! Thank you for writing this as beautifully as you do all of your phics. You are a blessing (and I am not one to use that phrase often so you know it’s special) to this phandom.
frnknfrtr chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
oh my god... this is so beautiful. I can see each tattoo so clearly in my mind. Thank you so much for writing this it is so sweet and like you said in your author's note, a bit meditative just to read. I'm sure it was wonderful to write.

When my exams are over is it ok if I try to draw something for this? I can post it to tumblr if you would like to see.
hopsjollyhigh chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
I love this! I love all of the reasons for his tattoos, and I love all of the designs you came up with. And like. Wrist kisses are so good... not enough out there about wrist kisses, tbh.
Morrigan24601 chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
This is so sweet and sensual and a little sad and I love it so very much! There's so much substance and subtext in it that despite it being a very short story, it somehow feels longer than it actually is (and I mean that in a good way). I get the feeling (and I could be wrong) that his telling her the stories of each one has been gradual, rather than all at once, that the narrative of his body has been slowly unfolded to her and that she feels it a distinct privilege to have this knowledge of him, even though some of it hurts to think about.
Thank you for this. It's so well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Ever since the 25th anniversary show, I've decided ALW Erik has tattoos, it's too great not to believe. And this was a great story!
Not A Ghost3 chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
The angst! But I love it all the same.
ghostwritten2 chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Ooh. I love the idea of a tattooed Erik. And I love that you have described them through Christine, and that she both loves and hates them. Also that she thinks about how beautiful his fingers are. Lovely.
Riene chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Interesting concept. I wonder if Erik did them himself, or how he could bear for others to look at him long enough to work designs on his flesh?

That final line is just superb.