Reviews for Living Without You
Littlemissstark chapter 2 . 4/21/2016
Omg this is only the second chapter and I'm crying. Great job so far! Written really well!
Celebwen Telcontar chapter 6 . 11/3/2007
bobthebest chapter 2 . 12/24/2003
it's great n' all, but in the story, evie is only pregnant for nine HOURS, now i know that that can't be true, but what if it is, that all my life, *huge sobs, tears pouring down face,* all my life this has been a lie? if you are only really pregnant for nine hours, not- n- not *sobs start over* not nine months? my whole life wasted, wasted, wasted... *breaks off as start looking for rope to hang with*
twinmuse chapter 12 . 8/1/2003
Hey again!

Long time no hear, but life's been a LITTLE hectic with turning 21 (yeah!), vacations galore, and weddings, birthdays (me and my twins! Went to Laughlin! Lost our wallets, but had a blast!) and funerals (sad, I know, but my beloved uncle passed suddenly, tore the family apart, one of the places I escape to was here to read all these great fics, especially yours. Thank you.) and all that jazz that keeps you busy during the summer! ((We had FLEAS for the first time in 16 years! Ew!))

LOVE the fic!

So adorable in the end. I read it awhile ago, but didn't review(still scratching my head on that one, I think maybe the review thingy was down cause I usually am VERY good at review great work!)

Oh, and I HAD to bump that 100 reviews to 101!

Just had to!

So, faboulous job, you're a great writer.

And thank you for the lovely mention in the last chapter. You made me smile!

Well, off to get ready for a HUGE wedding for my cousin. (The son of said uncle that passed. Gonna be a tough day tomorrow for all the family, but a beautiful one none the least!))

I hope you well in your future fics, I'm starting back to full time schooling in a bit so I don't know how much computer time I'll get!

Thanx for the great story and God Bless!
Jester Fraser chapter 12 . 8/1/2003
**is crying** You're like the orphean myth! Words are just ... **cries**...beautiful! Have you ever taken a shot at poetry? I'm sure you'd do go! lol. This was great!

Euan: Yea, it was awesome!

Jester: Allow me to introduce, Euan, my voice of reason.

Euan: Hiya!

Jester: It sucks that the story is over now...but it was terrific while it lasted! tata see you at the shrine and the Mummy/mummy returns forums!
Jester Fraser chapter 11 . 8/1/2003
Hey, so you are Cleric eh? It's meh, Artemis from the BFShrine and the Mummy/Mummy Returns Forums Nef made (though on their my name is ArtemisOOkami)! This was great, sorry it took me forever to review, I've been a busy person, coding three sites and I've just started on making my Stephen Sommers Fan Page. It's generally done, but I'm gonna take some computer classes specifically in webpage design this year so hopefully I can spice up all my celeb sites (one to Ewan McGregor (Star Wars Ep I, II and I) Brendan Fraser (duh..) Jude Law (A.I.) and of course the above stated Stephen Sommers Fan Page (S.S. Fan Page!lol)

Great chapter I'm gunna read the next one now, so tata for now, mate!
SithRuse chapter 12 . 7/28/2003
*Sniff* Excellent ending, my friend. I'm both sorry and pleased to see this story come as far as it has. :) Excellent, excellent work, my friend! And I'm very blessed to have met you too. You're such a nice guy and I look forward to our chats muchly, my friend! :) *hugs*
SithRuse chapter 11 . 7/28/2003
:O What a place to cut it off, you silly! Sheesh! Good place, actually, as one writer to another. ;) Great work! *continuing on...*
Marcher chapter 12 . 7/27/2003
It's been my loss for not reading sooner. I love a good emotional ride and that's exactly what I got here.

In my humble opinion, you hit the nail on the head every time when you described loss, pain, regret, sorrow, joy, happiness and peace.

All your characters were true to form, especially Jonathan. It's just wonderful read when Jonthan is done properly.

Bravo! It was a good story. :)
Marcher chapter 7 . 7/27/2003
Oh! so good!
Marcher chapter 5 . 7/27/2003
I've seen a few stories that deal with either Rick or Evelyn coming to terms with the other side, but never one done so well as this one. The Orbs are a brilliant idea.
Marcher chapter 3 . 7/27/2003
Only up to chapter 3, but very very good so far. Lots of believable emotion. Love the image of the Orbs. You've combined two of my favourites, Mummy movies with the supernatural. :)
CupOfAngst chapter 1 . 7/26/2003
I never reviewed chapter 1. I'm really sorry but i want you to reach 100 so I'm reviewing 1 for you. Anyways i don't know what to say except great job sweetie. You're a great author!

roughian chapter 11 . 7/21/2003
AH AW THAT WAS SO AMAZING! Alex and Rick REUNITED AGAIN! This was a remarkable story indeed...Please write more stories hehe... that sounded like a 5 year old but that's all i can think of saying. YOu have sucha talent my friend!
roughian chapter 10 . 7/21/2003
Their love for one another placed this kind of connection between them – they could share their entire beings as only twin souls can. That was really a beautiful description, *nods*. I guess you would be scared if someone you love was ripped away from you and then returned, seemingly normal. Heck, I'd need some therapy, but what therapist wouldn't have you committed? hahah ok 2 more wonderful chapters!
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