Reviews for Falling Forever OLD
JayLiyah chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
Wow, this was so gripping and moving. You described Squall's feelings and thoughts perfectly. I loved that original scene you wrote about Squall and Rinoa's fight, and his pain and regret in hurting her. This was really beautifully done, I'm very proud. This is one of my favorite scenes in the game and I believe you did it justice. I also think that a lot of people would've understood Squall a little bit better because of your introspective insight into his mind, then they may come to appreciate it.

You should have gotten more reviews for this, (it's probably because of the summary, it's a little vague..) Keep up the wonderful work, I'll be reading some of yours later!
melissagurl chapter 1 . 6/23/2003
Oh my gosh! That has got to be one of the most beautiful Squinoa's that I've You're making my cry! Anyways, I just wanted to say that I really, really enjoyed this fic, and I also think that you have got Squall's whole personality/attitude down pat. So, umm ya! Keep up the good work! :Þ

Angel JeM chapter 1 . 6/19/2003
Great job :) I really like the way you portray the characters and seem to get into their heads. You have excellent grammar. The only things I noticed were two missing "of"s and the word "an" instead of "a" once.

Looking forward to more from you. Please update your other stories. They're really good too.
xRachelx chapter 1 . 4/14/2003
This was so brillant! My jaw is really sore! (I have to read outloud) but it was worth it! It was a really brillant story and a great way to describe how Squall felt in that moment!

When I read the first few lines of the story I thought Rinoa was dead or something it took me about 5 minutes to work out comatose meant in a coma and not dead! DOH!

Anyway I love this story good job!


Catherine Rain chapter 1 . 4/8/2003
I think this may be my favorite fic of yours, because it suggests the essence what FF8 is actually *about*, IMHO. The questions raised in this fic seem to be the central ones of the game. Most fanfic in general focuses on some aspect of the game, not necessarily related to the main point... if that makes any sense... this one actually works on trying to resolve the things that the game itself wanted to resolve.
The Angel of the Lion chapter 1 . 3/26/2003
X-ATM092 chapter 1 . 3/24/2003
It's really a great fic, I was left with tears in my eyes by the time I finished reading. Whether that was because the story moved me, or because I forgot to blink, I don't know. But the fact remains that I like it very very much, especially those tears from Rinoa. It makes so much more sense now why Squall decided to leave Garden. And, just like your other fics, this one fits perfectly in the game.

FantasyReverie chapter 1 . 3/23/2003
Ahh. That was just too good. n.n So nicely written and it was just adorable! Squall was so in character. _~ Love it.
Optical Goddess chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
(sigh) you are an excellent writer. That was just so beautiful and descriptive and poetic... I love reading your plotholes. that thing with Rinoa crying was really cool! And I liked Squall's reasoning, thinking of any possibility that could have made her tear.
MizuTenshi chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
Oh my god! That was so beautiful, you have amazing talent. All my stories suck, I wish I could write like you! Don't laugh but I even felt like crying a bit when Squall was talking to Rinoa, that's how good it was. You capture the personalties perfectly. Can I add you to my favourites? I'm gonna do it anyway. So beautiful, great job!
Nell-chan1 chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
That was a truly beautiful piece. Your grammer, word choice, style, everything was perfect. The scene with Rinoa crying while comatose was rather heart-jerking. Your portrayal of Squall is nearly exactly how I might have imagined him also. Keep up the beautiful work.
Cd chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
This story is awsome. The writer captured the characters perfectly. I could see this happening as I read it. SquareSoft should hire this writer to come up with new plot ideas.

Naela chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
Very interesting take on that part of the game, I liked reading how Squall could have been feeling at the time, obviously he was pretty torn over what had happened over Rinoa and you've got those feelings down pretty well, good job in writing it. *G*

"Distantly, he wondered where the nameless child of that luckless union was today. Whoever it was, Squall pitied him."

Gah! It's these kinda lines that makes me wanna smirk.
blah chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
Whew! Took me awhile to finish this one...

Anyway, good to see that you haven't stopped writing. I liked how you described Squall's thoughts and feelings-very realistic. Good job, keep on writing, you have talent!
RK chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
::applaudes:: Beautifully done, as always. I've said it before, but I'll say it again- I never liked FF8 much. I just couldn't get close to any of the characters, the battle system frustrated me, and I just COULDN'T get past that danged carry armor in the Lunatic Pandora. So I gave up. This-out of all the FFs- seems to be the one people like the least, either you love it or you hate it. I didn't like it. Then I read one of your fics- The Camping Trip, I think it was, and I went "_Oh_my_gosh_..." Your work, as always, is unbelievable; beautifully written, masterfully crafted, each one an honest work of art and a tribute to the characters featured. I didn't care about any of the characters in FF8, but I sure as heck do now. A world that seemed determined to keep me out is now one of my favorite places to visit. Characters I didn't care about are now a deep concern to me. ::laughs:: I've read a lot of your post-game fics and when I try to play the game, I'm very disappointed that all's I can do is save the world from Ultimecia (tho I have yet to beat the thing). You have truly made these people Real to me. You are just too talented for your own good, Luna. _~