Reviews for Union of the Stars: The 220th Hunger Games
CreatureOfADay chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
Homeny was kinda...bland? Like canon fodder. Still, it's cool to have another young tribute to keep the balance. I'm not really feeling any particular dislike for her, just neutral. Being young, innocent and harmless looking could work in her favour since it might be harder for the audience to see her as a Mu monster than one of the older, dangerous kids, so I suppose if sponsors are still a thing, she has a chance of getting some.
CreatureOfADay chapter 8 . 2/19/2018
So I really like Sephiria, and I'm super pumped to see how she reacts to returning "home". I can't remember if I gave much info on her father, maybe he'll have a cameo appearance/mention later, since he's in the capitol and possibly involved with the Leontius stuff.
Some reviews thought she was too op, like I see where they're coming from, but I don't think she was that perfect; she'd be pretty crap in an actual fight since her powers are pretty much all mental and subtle. The blind thing is also a pretty major handicapp- sure she can see through other peoples eyes, but there are so many ways for an enemy to take advantage of that.
Anyway, that's my defence of Sephiria, I went a bit off topic XD back to the story
So the Celis thing is intriguing, the whole thing where he felt he was being controlled in the dream. Is there another, stronger Mu who was trying to dream talk to him? He's your character, so you could have made that like a subplot later on or something.
CreatureOfADay chapter 7 . 2/19/2018
You wrote Callie so well XD
I can't really remember that much about her personality, but in this chapter she seemed pretty positive/naïve, I wonder if she'll lose her optimism when the games actually start and she sees real conflict isn't as glamorous as books make it.
The Mordecai bit was nice world building, seeing how Mu can go undetected in districts if they contribute to society enough.
CreatureOfADay chapter 6 . 2/19/2018
So my reviewing has died or something. I'll see if I can catch up.
I really like Cori, the way she uses her power is really smart. Bran I don't like as much, but I'm still looking forward to seeing how their relationship is affected by the Mu thing. I predict Bran will sulk for a while but they'll get over it before the games and be allies, but maybe not. They'll make a good alliance, with Cori seeming like the intelligent one, and Brandon the physical one. Although I guess Brandon won't be much good in a fight however violent he is unless he accepts he's a Mu and tries to use his powers, so that'll be interesting.

On a side note, your new story looks good. If I can think of a character, I'll submit it.
goldie031 chapter 12 . 2/2/2018
Luis feels to me to be incredibly powerful as a Mu. Though he doesn't have complete control over his powers, I feel like he has something quite impressive going for him.

Molly is a cute one. I love the way she's used her powers, but I hate that she's about to have to split off from Savannah. GAH STUPID CINNAMON ROLLS.

Speaking of cinnamon rolls, Kitty! GAH SHE'S SO CUTE. I liked the section with Mrs. Lindblom a lot - that was super fun. I'm excited to see all three of these people in the Games, but I'm worried that it'll also break all of them. Oh no.
Golden Moon Huntress chapter 12 . 1/30/2018
So Three has three tributes who all knew they were Mu before times and have some experience in using their powers. This should be interesting.

Luis: His desire to train and practise his powers fascinates me. It could certainly give him an advantage in the arena. He’s obviously reasonably intelligent, and seems a fairly nice guy.

Molly: I didn’t really see much about her personality beyond her being cunning and manipulative to an extent and maybe being somewhat maternal due to her caring for her sister.

Kitty! Ah, you did so well with her! Her discussion with Mrs Lindblom is interesting, not just Kitty-wise, but worldbuilding wise, since it gives us an insight into how people look at and see things, and why they do so.

Mine: Kaytlyn [D3F]; Brandon [D10M]; Coriana [D10F].
Love: Genesis [D2F]
Like: Luis [D3M]; Bianca [D4F]
Positive Neutral: Arven [D4M]; Calista [D5F]; Istora [D8F]
Meh Neutral: Galen [D2M]; Molly [D3F]; Modecai [D5M]; Celis [D7M]; Homeney [D9F]; Marlan [D8M]
Negative Neutral: Celestia [D2F]; Sephiria [D7F]; Juliet [D11]
Golden Moon Huntress chapter 11 . 1/30/2018
At the moment, J’s not a favourite for reasons that aren’t entirely her fault. At the moment, to me she seems strong, bitter, and somewhat gruff, and I’ve seen that a lot from 11 girls recently. I like her relationship with Juliette though, and she’s obviously got secrets in her past we’ll presumably see more of in the future.

Mine: Brandon [D10M]; Coriana [D10F]
Love: Genesis [D2F]
Like: Bianca [D4F]
Positive Neutral: Arven [D4M]; Calista [D5F]; Istora [D8F]
Meh Neutral: Galen [D2M]; Modecai [D5M]; Celis [D7M]; Homeney [D9F]; Marlan [D8M]
Negative Neutral: Celestia [D2F]; Sephiria [D7F]; J [D11]
mukkou chapter 4 . 1/29/2018
I haven't mentioned this before but I REALLY LIKE the little snippet summaries at the top. I think they're so nice and cute and aaaa I really enjoy them.
k so im going to do the whole lists of tributes thing cause I am a very forgetful person!
Bianca is the definition of the word "dreamy" imo. She's really sweet and seems just like a Small town girl, (living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere.) Her little doodles and how invested she is in them is really charming. I also like her attention to detail while missing some of the big pictures sometimes, it seems since she forgot her book. She's an absolute cutie overall.
{Bianca: Why would I be worried, I'm not a Mu :)
Arven, [forming into John Cena] ARE U SURE ABOUT THAT}
I really like Arven! He's v sneak. I think he has some like rebel connections somehow since He Knows and he knows others Who Know. Also he's rlly considerate but mature and strong. He also seems really level headed which I think will go gr9 with Bianca's dilemma
Also, I can't tell whether or not I am Stila or if I am gay for Stila. Either way :) Stila
Like: Bianca, Arven
mukkou chapter 3 . 1/29/2018
I've never used Bone Conduction headphones but that sounds tripe as hell. Imagine playing a song with heavy bass on them. Like getting killed on sight to The Weeknd or something omg
UoS Theory: The government puts weird hormones in The Meat to give people Mu powers which is why District 20 has more Mu than other districts!
Also I really really reeally, like the numbers system with telepathy. I didn't quite get what was going on at first but then I read back and my mind was blown. Idk it's just such a unique type of way to amplify the Mu's powers through the numbers and it's something I would have never thought of honestly.
Also I think Roan will only get in trouble if Kayvan tells on him (snitches get stitches)
mukkou chapter 2 . 1/29/2018
(rip my computer keeps autocorrecting Kayvin to Kevin and now I can only think of the bird in Up)
Me? Would absolutely die for Roan? U betcha!
Also this provided a lot of answers to some questions I did have about the Mu upbringing. Like how much socialization they had and their limitations/experience with their own powers.
I also think that it's quite interesting that Capitol born Mu and District born Mu have different physical health issues. And omg it's so sad that Mu can't be talked to in public and are seen as animals wtf my poor babies protect them!
Also I heavily relate to Kayvin's efforts to start a conversation and ends up getting dry answers that my life right there. But I still side-eye him for the shade he throws at Roan (even though he knows no better but sTILL)
mukkou chapter 1 . 1/29/2018
K so I'm a fake stan who hasn't reviewed and [meme guy w clock] ItS tImE tO sToP
imma take a leap of faith and flat out say that I,,,, love,,, Roan. He seems so soft (even tho I KNOW he's not going to be!) But Anyway I Love Him. My Son. set him free
also me Kevin when he said Roan's name was lackluster: (ง'̀-'́)ง
Anyway I really like you're writing btw, it's very neat (?) and very scenic so far which is really good with the set up!
goldie031 chapter 11 . 1/24/2018
Juliet is cool. I like her relationship with Luciano a lot. I think it's interesting how you use each Reaping to develop the Mu a little bit more, that's really cool.
TheHazardsOfLove13 chapter 11 . 1/23/2018
Seriously, you did an amazing job writing J and Juliette and Luciano and just yessssssss I love it so much! Great job!
goldie031 chapter 10 . 1/23/2018
Marlan's a cutie. I like him a lot. So is Istora. I love that they interacted before the Games started. Gah, I found the cinnamon rolls in the story. I like the way Istora thinks about the Mu, but I'm interested to see if she'll be able to pull off a win. We'll have to see!
Golden Moon Huntress chapter 10 . 1/22/2018
Marlan: So he’s a troublemaker, but mostly just a prankster. I wonder if he’ll get in any trouble for anything during training?

Istora: Istora seems very similar to Homeney to me, although the fact she enjoyed watching the Games stands out to me – you don’t often see that from outer district tributes, but then these Games do work differently I suppose.

Mine: Brandon [D10M]; Coriana [D10F]
Love: Genesis [D2F]
Like: Bianca [D4F]
Positive Neutral: Arven [D4M]; Calista [D5F]; Istora [D8F]
Meh Neutral: Galen [D2M]; Modecai [D5M]; Celis [D7M]; Homeney [D9F]; Marlan [D8M]
Negative Neutral: Celestia [D2F]; Sephiria [D7F]
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