Reviews for The Gift Underneath the Wrapping
FicLevelX0 chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
(the anon guy) Fair point XD. If you want to go more into this, then I'm all for offering ideas.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
I just may do that soon, if only to make this easier (and to not fill up your comments section).

As for whether or not you should make this a separate thing, I could see that, the Tangled stuff was pretty separate from the others despite having some similar themes, so I guess it'd work.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
(Same anon) If I had to further the pitch, I could either go with Rika trying again to get her Gogglehead to focus on her with one of the vices she found out (the school uniform thing) and having second guesses, or she found out about some particular positions that she's initially alright with, but a good deal into it, she's regretting her decision and either she offers to stop or he offers to keep going.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
If I had to recommend the pitch for the "fall" entry (you're missing that one if we're going by patterns), and to kind of go back to this being more...wholesome I guess (for what it's worth, you're real good at writing natural smut without going "she tidily tid his diddly dick" or overboard), I think it'd be a nice role reversal if Takato took charge in somewhat teaching or walking through some things with Rika (or maybe something she's not as comfortable with, considering that the through line for all of these stories is that he's very much against anything that'd hurt her while they make love). Something where he has to give reassurance to her, or something to that effect, if that makes any sense.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/14/2018
As enjoyable as this is, and its a testament to your skill as a writer that you could write this, admit the potential shortcomings of doing an out and out...they still use "lemon", right? Well, in any case, its a show of your skill that you were able to just have a story where your two leads just engage in raw sex and still have it be charming.

That said, of your more NSFW material, I think this is probably my least favorite, though by no means bad, there's something missing from this that your NSFW works had, the other ones had the two learn to embrace the fact that they were thirsty horn dogs, and the love making was written with surprising tenderness. I AM however glad you recognized this as well and I do like the fact that there's some reasoning behind Rika wanting Takato to be more bold rather than "gimme the Lightning Joust" and it fits in with the other stories in this little continuity and the through line ,though I also have some doubts regarding Rika's...not so much sudden, I'm grateful that you made this gradual, but considering her character across the series and the dramas and movies, I always figured it'd be a mix of the two learning how to make love with Takato awkwardly trying to help and Rika stubbornly yet somewhat stoically going along with it with the competitiveness underlying it. Then again, that's just me, and I do love the idea of her being comfortable with herself enough to want to pursue a relationship even if she admittedly accelerates its pace alongside Takato beyond whats normal for couples (popping the cherry at 17 is somewhat common in media, such as the Get Down, not so much every so often, but you do great to make it work enough to where I can ignore that).

If you DO do another one set in this little mini-series I am curious to see how'd it go (or if you'd have the two finally have a kid considering its been teased enough) and if the tenderness would return to an extent, but thats just me.

Ps, Assuming nothing overly bad happens in Spring Flowering, I'm curious to see how Guilmon remained innocent for like 7 years.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
I feel like this little mini-series thing is missing a "Fall" entry, but with that said, this was adorable, in an admittedly TOO NSFW way, I can see why you were initially hesitant, and in fairness, you handle making more subtly in other stories, but I can feel the passion in the writing and between the characters (...poor word choice aside).

...Though in all seriousness, I'm starting to wonder what a "Fall" based entry would be about now.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
I'm wondering if you were to do another one of these but with the subject being Rika's birthday "present", what Takato would do for her, like if Rika's idea of a present for the perpetually blushing goggle head's birthday was pseudo-bdsm/something she wouldn't normally do, how would he "counter" so to speak?
UW chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
Y'know, and this is gonna sound weird, but after IceDevimon and Parasimon (mainly the tentacles), you'd think Rika would be kind of against this kind of thing.
Dez chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
Man, you had WAYYY too much fun with this. XD
DinoGuy2000 chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
Oh, that was quite fun to read. I do enjoy a flustered Rika.

I can't say for certain if you've done what you set out to do, as I've found that I'm not good at identifying such things. However, I can say with certainty that this fic was pretty good, at least amusement wise.

Good work!
cubeGame chapter 1 . 1/6/2018
They are both adventurers so it's not far-fetched at all for them to like excitement like that. In fact it's a good thing that you keep on developing the characters and don't go like: "They lived happily ever after in perfect harmony". This story is an interesting experiment and I'm curious how it will affect your future projects. On a side note you came a very long way since "Tamers Requiem", where I was simply hoping for a hug between these two! The adventure goes on!
Orceanos chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
Good story, but not as good as your other stories tbh. I really missed a classic Googlehead scene in this story, also I think Takato was a bit ooc here.
callofcamo chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
ok this was actually pretty good theres only a few things i would consider changing and that would be you should have made a section about rika being conflicted on wether or not to do it you touched on the subject but rika just seemed a bit to eager to try it. another thing i would consider changing is how takato initially took it it wasnt bad but the way you have set up takato in your previous stories is that hes shy in this it seemed like he just took on to it to quick other than that amazing story i really hope you could do one in the future to officially wrap up this ark is rika and takato deciding to have kids and go into some detail on them raising the kids i think it would be interesting but just please dont stop writing rukato your one of the last ones out there that does
pittbuck chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
I really enjoyed that. Thanks
nullaccount23422 chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
Even better than the first version. I think you did a great job of adding more characterization. Just enough to make it believable for a one-shot like this. Yeah if you wanted to make another longer story that takes place in this time frame you could add a lot more, more conversations, inner monologue, etc. but this works out great for a short story like this. It leaves the impression that she's been having other thoughts like this off screen, and that they might talk about it more in the future, without going overboard for a short story. Very well written as usual, and I do think you made it fit within her established character quite well. Making it be a sequel to your other fics was a smart move too instead of it being just a complete standalone. It makes the evolution even more plausible now that we can see this is taking place after the events of Spring Flowering and the other fics in that series. We saw their first time together and how timid and awkward Takato was. Now that they're growing up and have spent a few years together, I can see that they might eventually end up going in this direction, at least some of the time.