Reviews for Frank Hardy and the River in Egypt
novembershowers chapter 9 . 7/23/2019
Thank you for writing this story. I like it a lot.
MamaStreet chapter 9 . 9/10/2018
Fun! I quite enjoyed your take on this.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/22/2018
Great opening scene, very intense! I also liked the part where Nancy becomes jealous of herself again, I thought that was a nice touch.

The romance and undeniable connection between Nancy/Rebecca and Frank that was in the previous chapters was not as prevalent in this chapter, which I missed, but I also understand and think it would have been a bit out of place in this chapter, with the Callie scene and the pain of ending the relationship. I am a huge Frank/Nancy shipper, but wished I could give Callie a hug. It's a tough situation, because you can't control how you feel about someone and Frank was always trying to do the right thing.

You're a very talented writer, and I always thoroughly enjoy reading your stories. Seeing a new chapter always brightened my day. Thank you!
Guest chapter 9 . 2/21/2018
I really enjoyed this story. I've never disliked either Callie or Ned, like some folks, but I do think that for some reason Nancy and Frank just work better together. The only thing that confused me was the final chapter. How much time had passed? Being hung from the ceiling and beaten with a pipe usually has some pretty severe after effects and requires medical attention, so I couldn't quite wrap my head around why Frank seemed as bobbish as ever. When he swung his legs up on the bed, the back of my brain went "ouch"! And when Joe shoved the meal into his chest, "OUCH, ouch!" Felt like I missed something.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
Love the romance in the air :) from a Frank hardy fan and hopeless romant
Robin's Egg chapter 9 . 2/20/2018
Cherylann Rivers chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
Great story. In my mind, it would have ended with the original, because I always thought that Frank and Nancy were good, loyal people and would never cheat on their significant others. It seemed to me out of character for them to do so, and in the original, I was glad they came to their senses.

That being said, if they WERE going to get together, this is a darned good retelling. At least they were finally honest with Callie and Ned, which needed to happen before they moved on with each other. I felt terrible for Callie and wanted to give her a big hug. :(

Joe was great here. Loved his tell it like it is attitude. And I did enjoy Frank’s honesty all around that last chapter. Great symmetry in the last paragraph. You’re a talented writer and this was a pleasure to read! Congrats.
angelicalkiss chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
Truly an enjoyable story. I like the change from the original which was one of my favorites. thank you for posting!
katie janeway chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
Can you die from squeeing too much? Because I might...
max2013 chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
I feel bad for Callie and Ned-especially Callie! Great semi-resolve-would definitely like a sequel.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/15/2018 now Nancy has the knowledge that she's Nancy and not Rebecca, but she still doesn't have the memory or understanding. That must be even more confusing - to believe you're someone only to be told you're actually someone else. Cole is familiar to her, even if she doesn't remember him; frank isn't familiar. I can't wait to see how she ends up remembering. And then there's the fact that Krieger captured them, but Nancy's just shaken things up, and it seems like she may save the day. so much suspense and intrigue! Update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/15/2018
This is amazing! Such an original concept, and I love Frank and Nancy together, they are such a perfect couple, so I'm really interested in how this develops. From my vast knowledge of reading fanfic, watching tv and movies (lol), it seems like when most people have amnesia, it's because they want to repress something. In this case, Nancy only remembers a world where she and frank are together, perhaps projecting an unconcious desire and creating a situation which she wishes was reality. Fingers crossed that it will be by the end of the story!
Lina 59 chapter 8 . 2/14/2018
leyapearl chapter 8 . 2/10/2018
Woohoo! Whether she remembers or not, the girl has skills!
max2013 chapter 8 . 2/9/2018
GO NANCY! Does she remember?
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