Reviews for Episode 8 Rewrite: A What If Scenario ( spoilers inside )
Mason Oury chapter 4 . 12/17/2019
Dang, this is getting REALLY interesting!
Mason Oury chapter 3 . 12/17/2019
Hold on, isn't Kylo Ren's real name Ben? I know he was Jacen Solo in Legends, I was just curious...
Mason Oury chapter 2 . 12/17/2019
Makes sense. I remember when I thought about doing my own Episode IX fanfiction, I had the idea of killing off Leia pre-story to respect the fact that Carrie Fisher had passed on. Or at least had her go off on her own and retire at the very beginning. I loved how Leia convinced Luke to do the right thing, and that Luke still refused to train Rey at first. The fish moment was better than in canon, glad the milking scene wasn't in there, though, that was just plain awkward to be honest. Again, amazing chapter! :)
Mason Oury chapter 1 . 12/17/2019
This was a lot more interesting than the original first-eighth of the movie. Pretty excited about what's next! (I'm watching The Last Jedi WHILE I read this, kinda funny, huh?) As a fellow Star Wars fan, I have to ask, are you excited about The Rise of Skywalker? It's sad and hard to believe that the Skywalker saga is coming to an end. But, the story will continue and live on forever in the hearts of Star Wars fans like myself and yourself. :)
ScruffyStarWarsFan chapter 5 . 8/14/2018
I get it, you like the movie and you cant stand it that people hate it. But Im sorry, The Last Jedi is a disaster. Nothing makes any sense. If you enjoyed it, good for you.

And Im sorry, but Rose as a character is pointless. JarJar made more sense than she did. She almost killed Finn when he tried to give the Resistance a fighting chance to survive; instead, she thought it was a good idea to almost kill him and doom the Resistance. Instead of giving the First Order a fight, she betrayed everyone in that mountain. Remove Rose from the plot, do that and we realize what sheactually did; provide Del Toro with a necklace, that is all her character brings to the plot.

And ffs... The comedy in The Last Jedi belongs in Spaceballs. It takes you out of the moment and makes you think of Colonel Sanders, Dark Helmet and Lonestar and Barf.

And that Canto Bight kid... A Force user living a life in servitude; how much pain, hate, anger, jealousy do you think that kid has inside? So yeah, great plottwist that the Good guys are winning; kids doomed to fall to the Dark Side popping up across the galaxy.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/13/2018
Did you not read what i just said? They were still doomed when no came regardless wherever if Finn died or Rose saved him. Did you missed the part where their call to arms, for reinforcements came unanswered? He almost certainly be disintegrated before he made it to that cannon. Yeah so a choice for him to die needlessly or to risk her life to save him yeah she really was stupid. Not. Also those points are utterly meaningless since THEY DID'NT happen for variety of reasons like how the First Order were too busy surrounding the door to worry about some wounded stragglers kind of like Luke during the Battle of Hoth. Also don't ever disrespect Rose again for what Luke or Han would have done because frankly I'm getting sick of it. Maybe you didn't understand the whole point of this movie when you need to think about the failures, failures that no intend to happen or predict, and how characters should avoid it or undo it, when they don't have that luxury and can't see or predict the future like the audience and that wouldn't be a compelling story with a lot of nuance. The villains fails just as much as the heroes. To be honest calling all these stupid does make you sound a like petulant child. It wasn't all for nothing, its certainly not the end. The Resistance and the future of the jedi is still alive, ready to rebuild and keep fighting thanks to Luke's sacrifice while his legacy is already reigniting the spark of hope against the First Order's tyranny among the oppressed like a certain force sensitive boy from Canto Bight that helped Finn and Rose. Not so pointless now huh? More importantly is ever the important theme is learning form failure like Yoda says to Luke. Like how Poe is becoming a move level headed leader thanks to learning form his failures.
ScruffyStarWarsFan chapter 3 . 8/13/2018
Let's review the last battle. The Redistance hides in a fortress and hopes to hold out until reinforcements arrives. They hope to prevent the First Order from entering by taking out the siege-cannon.

It's a lost cause and Poe feels guilty due to the previous battle so he calls off the assault. Yet Finn knows he can buy the others time if only he can destroy the cannon. So he makes a run for it.

Rose smashes into him, quite likely killing him but he is lucky and survives. The First Order blasts open the fortress. Finn, on his own against an entire army, will most likely be killed and the First Order can wipe out the entire Resistance within an hour. The escape from D'Qar, the chase to Crait, the pointless mission to Canto Bight, the sacrifice of Holdo, all for nothing because Rose decided to violently Crash her vehicle into Finns speeder, risking killing them both as she did.

That is what the entire situation amounted to, only looking at Roses actions. It's ridiculously stupid. On par with Sansa not telling Jon about the Knights of the Vale. That's how stupid it is.

And the entire move is like that. Everything is that stupid.
ScruffyStarWarsFan chapter 4 . 8/13/2018
So Rose smashes her speeder into Finn, risking killing I should add, which means they are both stranded half a mile out from friendly forces, on their own against a huge First Order army. How could they survive without Luke stealing the focus? She almost kills him, only to strand him totally defenseless against overwhelming odds... incredibly stupid plotpoint.

And I did toy with having Leia doing the suicide run ( which would have been Epic I feel), but in the end I decided to use her to persuade Luke to train Rey and return.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/13/2018
Different reviewer here. ScruffyStarWarsFan you do realise if Finn destroyed the siege cannon they were STILL outnumbered AND outgunned with no way out and not prepared for a long siege given their very desperate circumstances. A suicide run. Which was Poe realise when he explicitly ordered a retreat when his pilots were dying left, right and center and they weren't going to make it. They were also banking on any allies to come to their rescue and fight off the First Order, hoping to hold out once their message got out. No one came. Finn would have died in a futile useless sacrifice that wasn't going to amount to much. So Rose, who just lost her sister under somewhat similar circumstances, saving Finn, not actually stupid.
Yeah Liea won't have a big moment in episode ix thanks to the untimely tragic death of Carrie Fisher, may she rest in peace and never be forgotten. At least you could have given her big role and make her a focus that didn't have to require killing her off in a disposable way all for plot device.
ScruffyStarWarsFan chapter 2 . 3/31/2018
The Star Wars trilogies have been about the Skywalker family, so it makes sense that the main Hero is a Skywalker, be it Anakin or Luke or maybe Rey. If you feels that the movies Canto Bight sequence was fun, then that is something I dont think I can change ( nor would or should I ), all I cant say is that I found it extremely boring and pointless. Like the whole end battle with the speeders attacking the walkers; pointless and boring. If you found it exciting, I cant argue that. I can argue it was ridiculous for Rose to save Finn; not destroying the siege cannon allowed the Empire to assault the fortress... had not Luke gotten involved; something Rose could not have known about. So by saving Finn, Rose essentially doomed the Republic... So pretty stupid plotpoint.

As for me killing Leia in this fanfic... why not? We know she wont have a big moment in Ep9, so I used her as a plotdevice to have Luke return from exile. Like I said; why not?
Guest chapter 2 . 3/31/2018
Wow so Leia dies unceremoniously because her actress died and that makes it convenient, even though you are making a fan fic to rewrite the saga to your needs?
Guest chapter 7 . 3/31/2018
That "boring" speeders attacking walkers battle? Not boring.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/31/2018
Canto Bight has the purpose of introducing a new side to the galaxy, a world where no one cares about the war or people suffering and dying, people only caring about their greed. There is more to Finn and Rose saving a bunch of space horses, which are actually called fathiers. They helped inspire kids suffering in slavery, showing not all hope was lost, seeding a rebellion here and there which is the entire point of this movie, which includes one of those kids being a potential jedi. And Kylo Ren is not a Sith Lord.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
The entire Star Wars saga is not just about the Skywalkers. The one the mains points of the sequel trilogy is passing on the torch to a new generation of heroes that don't have to be tied to a family name or it's bloodline.
ScruffyStarWarsFan chapter 8 . 3/16/2018
Well, I cant argue your points about Luke; if you prefer the movie version over my version then thats how it is. But I will argue that the Trilogy movies are about the Skywalker family. So why then have our main Hero and protagonist not be a Skywalker? It makes no sense. The SW trilogies tell the story of the Skywalkers and since Rey is the main character in the Sequal Trilogy then she really do have to be a Skywalker.
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