Reviews for Waking Up Nana
The Jingo chapter 21 . 7/2
"He'd tell them exactly where to find them, so that they would hopefully be assassinated. Then he would be free to marry Oregano or another more beautiful woman capable of bearing him a Sky."

Lol, what?
kenmakozumehq9 chapter 1 . 5/14
Where were this book in my whole quarantine life?
Guest chapter 7 . 4/19
Its a good thing this is khr, this kind of dialogue and 'persuasive arguments' wouldnt fly in a less wacky setting like naruto whatsoever.
ChaosHearth chapter 40 . 10/5/2019
I think we can ALL agree that we hate Iemitsu with a burning passion, so no one should be giving that poor excuse of a man any sympathy :)
asdasd chapter 121 . 7/20/2019
lol I like this but now there's a romance I will not read it anymore even though I like this.
edboy4926 chapter 145 . 3/17/2019
Good story
Hope the sequels are just as good.
Zaidee Lighthart chapter 90 . 12/27/2018
Now it feels like it’s getting repetitive. I understand that it’s hard at times, to remember every aspect of a story as you write it. But from the readers side of things, I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed when every now and then you seem to have forgotten key details of your own story.

The first time I remember noticing this was with lanica's boss ring - you changed the plot of this story from the very beginning, Mukuro, Ken and Chikusa were saved early on and were never taken in by Lanica’s famiglia, there for Lanica’s famiglia was never destroyed by Mukuro. So I don’t understand how or when Tsuna received Lanica’s leaders ring. And just now in this chapter, Nono seemed to be in charge of Vongola again. But way back when they faked the start of the Ring Battles, it was understood that Daniela would be running Vongola until Tsuna could rake over. So why is Nono suddenly in charge again? Or when did Tsuna and the gang meet Longchamp? Because I don’t remember reading about it in this stories timeline.

Sigh, I’m just a little confused. Even if I am still enjoying the story, I can’t help but feel disappointed by this confusion. I guess I’ll just have to see how the rest of the chapters go.
Zaidee Lighthart chapter 84 . 12/27/2018
Okay, I have loved this story since I started reading it and am still reading it, but HOW did Tsuna get Lancia's Boss Ring? I honestly don’t remember that happening in this story...
Human chapter 84 . 12/16/2018
he never met lancia-
KuroHinata chapter 84 . 11/25/2018
ummm, use mist, everyone believe the enemy is dead. truly believe he is dead. make nothing to a reality. Byakuran is dead. the end.
KuroHinata chapter 75 . 11/25/2018
the first generation are a failure. they allowed their mist to destroy and torture the living. if the enemy doesn't have honor and their honor binds them in a cage. they themselves are sinners of the sins the mist done. they didnt stop him.
KuroHinata chapter 73 . 11/25/2018
right hand is different from school setting. don't destroy further their reputation in a civilian setting.
KuroHinata chapter 72 . 11/25/2018
effing adult idiots. how can you know something you don't know? wow, they expect teenagers to be wise men/women.
KuroHinata chapter 68 . 11/25/2018
very good reason I didn't bother to read and watch this arc. hate it to the core.
KuroHinata chapter 67 . 11/25/2018
don't allow the enemy to dictate, put rules, and use their own equipment. you all set up yourself to lose. even if you win.
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