Reviews for Girl Talk
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
Adorable! Jiya's talk with Lucy before the guys arrived was perfect prep for what as to come. And side note, great work on explaining the team dynamic! Lucy & Wyatt are definitely prone to detaching from the humanity of what happens around them, but never Rufus. So well said!

As I've said before, you have such a knack for creating perfect banter between these two! I love that he brought a party hat and put it on her head for her LOL. And gahhh when she asked him if he was happy in a tongue-in-cheek way and he returned it with a very meaningful "yes." I flipped out when that happened bc it was so obvious that he was happy *because* of her. SO. MANY. FEELS. I loved it all!
Once Upon a Whim chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
I can so see Lucy being the type of the 'miffed facade' then being unable to stop the smile (especially with Wyatt around).

Thank you for making them be honest with each other! (And Lucy with Jiya, too.) I need talks like this in season 2.

Um, first date follow-up chapter? :D
juicywucy chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
Loved this one - you really seem to write all the characters perfectly! Really liked the mini party too - so sweet!
GenuineRisk chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Such a great mini-story! Thanks for sharing!:)
undeniabletvshipper chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
please keep writing these stories! I've absolutely loved them! can you write a story about lucy and watt where they come back from a jump and jessica is alive?
Gracielinn chapter 1 . 1/6/2018
I always enjoy Lucy and Jiya heart to heart conversations, and this was one of the best I've ever read. I especially liked what Lucy says about Rufus, and hope you will continue to write for our fandom :))