Reviews for Armourshipping: Kalosian Rivalry
Guest chapter 6 . 3/9/2019
well i hope things work out in your chapters dude. i hope we all get to see serena and ash meet again and get married together as a couple in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. we all will remain amourshippers and we all will continue to support amourshipping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/12/2018
wow it seems like im impressed with how you've worked on this amourshipping chapter dude, good luck on the next amourshipping chapter dude. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud , remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Amourshipper35 chapter 5 . 3/12/2018
I can’t behave what mittle did and why did ash have to kiss her that
Guest chapter 4 . 2/9/2018
(smiles) seems like you've did a very great job on writting this spicy and sweet amourshipping chapter dude. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Amourshipper35 chapter 4 . 2/7/2018
I liked seeing Bonnie win her bug badge and I can’t behave mitte did that and I am glad ash turned her down
Sakura Lisel chapter 4 . 2/6/2018
Wait Serenas NOT from Kalos. If you are going by the anime where she and Ash first met as kids, and not by the games, Serenas from Kanto because thats where she and Ash first met as kids at a summer camp.
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Um... I think you need to reupload this chapter. Something is missing during the Ash, Grace and Serena talk. *lol*

First is Grace asking if she could talk to Serena privately and Serena agreeing. Then it looks like whatever they talked about in private is COMPLETELY missing, because next they are talking about Ash getting his own place and Serena moving in, with nothing in between to show how THAT talk came up BEFORE it came up. *lol* its like they jumped right into it without anything in between
Guest chapter 3 . 1/26/2018
wow i gotta say you've did an excellent job on writting this amourshipping chapter dude. but its a bit short to be honest but your doing great. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Amourshipper35 chapter 3 . 1/25/2018
Yea Bonnie can do battle bond like ash and greinniga can and it looks like mitte is back but she wrong about one thing serana has won
Western-Otaku chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
Oh, i should have read the AN haha, I was so confused on what was going on, my bad, I'll have to go back and read the previous story.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/15/2018
i see you've did an impressive job on this amourshipping chapter dude. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Amourshipper35 chapter 2 . 1/14/2018
Yea Bonnie got her starter and I liked the look on ashs friends faces when they found out ash has a girlfriend now and I liked the gifts they got form them two
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
(smiles) my my this amourshipping chapter just got interesting, very great job on it dude. i hope we all get to see serena and ash meet again and get married together as a couple in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond, we all will remain amourshippers and we all will continue to support amourshipping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud , remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
St Elmo's Fire chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
[This book is directly succeeding Armourshipping: Ash is Back!, so if you haven't read it yet, go ahead to this link. s/12762613/1/Armourshipping-Ash-is-Back.]

Unfortunately, as you can see, FFN doesn’t play nice with links, even within its own domain. Archive of Our Own allows you to use direct hyperlinks and lets you group related stories into series, so you might want to consider crossposting to there.

["Another lady friend?" "This is sure unexpected, considering you have never done this before with anyone you meet. *cough *cough Misty *cough May *COUGH Dawn"]

This seems to be the same person talking, so I’m not sure why you have a close and open quote after the first sentence. Also, you can’t put actions in dialogue like that; you have to describe it in prose, such as, [“Misty,” she barked, masking it with a loud cough.]

["Okay, mom you can stop embarrassing me."]

When a title (such as “mom” or “dad”) is used in place of a name, it’s capitalized like one.

You wouldn’t capitalize animal or mouse or dragon, so you shouldn’t capitalize words like pokemon or pikachu or charizard. The only time you should capitalize it is if you’re using it as the pokemon’s name, ie, Ash’s pikachu is called Pikachu. This is because you only capitalize when it’s a proper noun, which are the names of places or things. Similar reasoning should be applied to any other words you’re thinking of capitalizing, like telephone or trainer. Or professor. Before you message me about this, please look at fanfiction (d o t) net/topic/11834/55376155/1/Capitalization-Thread to make sure your argument hasn’t already been addressed.

[Guys, I know Dedennite isn't real. Yet…. I made it for the sake of the story.]

Including author’s notes in the middle of a story is not a good idea. Stories run on immersion and suspension of disbelief; interrupting the story and pointing to the wires shatters that, much like an actor breaking character in a theater production.
Amourshipper35 chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Good chapter I liked seeing ash and searna back in kalos and how happy they are together
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