Reviews for Ketchum Saga 1: Reborn
Amourshipper35 chapter 14 . 2/21/2018
Wow Ralph is Arcaua very nice tiwst and I liekd seeing ash and Serana bonding and slowly felling like in love
Amourshipper35 chapter 13 . 2/18/2018
Good chapter I flell so bad for ash learning that Ben is was not Ben and I hope he can find the real Ben and I liekd how ash garbed seranas hand and how delita saw them holding hands and I really hope things work out in the end
Amourshipper35 chapter 12 . 2/7/2018
Yea ash found his mom and I liked seeing mother and son together again and I am glad serana clemont and Bonnie are Okay
Amourshipper35 chapter 11 . 1/31/2018
Wow I hope ash can find searna and save her and tell her his fellings for her and I liked how clemont maded his comeback and i hope he and serana get out of their and I wonder why max and may are on the wrong side
Amourshipper35 chapter 10 . 1/28/2018
Good chapter I liked how serana finally told ash who she was and how they remembered their first meeting and how they almost had their moment and i wonder who that person in the room is and who spiked ashs drink
Amourshipper35 chapter 9 . 1/26/2018
O poor senrna having her heart broken and I hope she and ash work things out soon and I liked the Misty and Gary additions and I hope they can save clemont and I hope detila and ash will see each other again soon
Amourshipper35 chapter 8 . 1/21/2018
Wow I fell so bad to Calem having to be king and having to prepare for war and I liked how ash got froakie and now they have a new friend to help find clemont
Palletboy2001 chapter 7 . 1/18/2018
That was well...a nice chapter. Keep up the good work. Hope to see the next chapter soon.
Amourshipper35 chapter 7 . 1/18/2018
I hope they can find clemont and stop those cloak people and I liked the flashback with ash and Ben
Amourshipper35 chapter 6 . 1/16/2018
I hope they can save clemont for those clock people and I hope ash and serana can handle their fellings for each other
Palletboy2001 chapter 5 . 1/15/2018
Great. So, serena is not bad by heart and want to save his father and escape the clutches of her mother. Then,why does she want to kidnap ash?
Amourshipper35 chapter 5 . 1/14/2018
Yea ash and searna are oaky and are heading out on a journey and I hope they have fun
Palletboy2001 chapter 4 . 1/12/2018
Nice chapter. So,is the princess serena cunning as she wants to kidnap the prince or sweet just like in anime. Would love to see ash having all of his cannon pokemon and some more.
Amourshipper35 chapter 4 . 1/11/2018
Wow that was a very ash thing to do saving Serena like in the anime and I hope their both okay and I liked seeing Brock in this two
Farla chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
[Can Prince Ash make Kanto great again (sorry for that line if it offends anyone) ]

Then rephrase it.

You wouldn't capitalize animal or mouse or dragon, so you shouldn't capitalize words like pokemon or pikachu or charizard. The only time you should capitalize it is if you're using it as the pokemon’s name, ie, Ash’s pikachu is called Pikachu. This is because you only capitalize when it's a proper noun, which are the names of places or things – or used in place of one, like "mom" can be. Similar reasoning should be applied to any other words you're thinking of capitalizing, like telephone or trainer. Or professor.

[almost feint in fear.]


Dialogue is written as “Hello,” she said or “Hello!” she said, never “Hello.” She said or “Hello.” she said or “Hello,” She said or “Hello” she said. The only exception to this is if the next sentence doesn’t contain a speech verb, which is a verb describing how the dialogue is said. (“Speak” is not a speech verb.) In that case it’s written as “Hello.” She grinned, never “Hello,” she grinned or “Hello,” She grinned or “Hello.” she grinned. Note that something isn’t a speech verb just because it’s a sound you make with your mouth, so generally stuff like laughed or giggled is in the second category. Furthermore, if you’re breaking up two complete sentences it’s “Hi,” she said. “This is it.” not “Hi,” she said, “this is it.” or “Hi,” she said “this is it.” And if you’re breaking up a sentence in the middle, it’s “Hi. This,” she said, “is it.” The same punctuation and capitalization rules apply to thoughts, except you don’t use quotation marks or any other ones with thoughts.

“Its” is the possessive form. “It’s” means “it is” only.

“Your” is possessive, “you’re” is short for “you are”.

["You talk like a butler, Uncle Ben. Is something wrong?"

"Young master, what kind of butler would I be if I would have the prince not know who I was? Oh wait."]

The kind who's sane. The idea that the guy who raised a kid from infancy is just the butler because all that matters is noble blood is disgusting. There's nothing actually special about royalty. That's why they couldn't do anything about it when the rest of us rose up and stabbed our way through them to democracy and human rights.
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