Reviews for Story of Your Life
siggt chapter 1 . 1/17/2019
in the end
as you fade into the night
who will you tell
the story of your life?

- mad-ku
Ariza Luca chapter 2 . 8/24/2018
This is a really nice fic!
mricj chapter 2 . 3/8/2018
This is so, so good and I don't even have words to describe it. You write Eva and Neil perfectly, especially the complicated (?) friendship of theirs.

One day, I'll die reading this, and it'll probably be your fault. But then again, I'll die happy.
Dr Lorenzo von Matterhorn chapter 2 . 1/16/2018
You are killing me, friend. You are killing. Me.

Jesus mcfreakin... I don't think anyone's gotten me so worried for something before. Reading the way you've got these two portrayed here is heartwarming but incredibly painful (in unequal amounts). These are such unnavigable waters I'm finding this in, and this is the kind of desperately slow-burn hurt that's 100% tearing me apart. Lots has gone down in this chapter and I'm not even entirely sure how I'll deal with it.

Either way, when I checked ff this afternoon for updates, know that I leaped when I saw this at the top of the list. Hoping veeery much that the update happens sooner rather than later! There's so much that could be commented on, but like a lot of this story, it'll go unsaid.

Thanks again for the awesome update! Lookin forward (with trepidation) to the mindcucumbers.
Dr Lorenzo von Matterhorn chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
I haven't even started reading yet but mAN A D.

I also speak for a number of others that are also rabidly looking forward to this. Now, time to get to it. Man is this exciting.