Reviews for His Pain
Liam Hall-Moore chapter 1 . 4/6
Ban should end up with King
anon chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
this was just... wow, i have no words to describe it properly, it broke my heart in so many ways i just want someone to hug Ban and help him. You did a great job writing this!
And hell yes to the sequel! I vote for Meliodas bc i love their dynamic to death, but Howzer is a close second!
Dustyheart chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
your writing is glorius and left me near tears, im honestly begging for a sequel bc my heart is breaking for Ban, i just want him to be okay, and i would love to read more of your work in this fandom! Given his nature i would love to see how Meliodas would react to this. Thank you for the amazing work!
Rachel chapter 1 . 2/2/2018
This is a very interesting start, you should continue. I'd like Ban with Gowther or Meliodas but it's your choice. Great fic!
RenjiMichaelisMustang chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
Of course you have to keep writing! Honestly i think it should be Meliodas, i've always felt like he and Ban have a much stronger and special bond than with the other sins, and i'm sure he would be the extremely worried with the fact that Ban is missing. Please, update soon!